Careers News

Careers News
Massive congratulations to our Year 10 students on their Mock interviews that were held on Thursday 18th May. The event provided the students with the opportunity to experience a real life job interview with a community business leader, dressed in formal attire and having prepared an employment portfolio. This year’s event involved partnership with 26 community & business representatives.
At the conclusion of the 15minute interview students were provided with written and verbal feedback in the following areas- communication skills, attitude, personality & maturity, knowledge& interest in their selected job, and on their personal appearance.
Our students should feel very proud of themselves. They represented the college extremely well and hopefully came away from the Mock interview process with a sense of achievement and a greater understanding of their strengths, abilities and aptitudes.
“Mock interviews were an eye opening experience that made me reflect on my skills. The process has given me confidence in putting myself out there and taking a chance with my future career. The interview was nerve wrecking but a really great opportunity to take me out of my comfort zone. I feel more prepared for future conversations with employers and know what to expect when in the next interview situation.”
Alema - Year 10 student.
“ I have found there has been an onslaught of fear based hype surrounding millennials joining the workforce of late. However, if the students that I met and mock interviewed at Carwatha College P-12 are a reflection of the calibre of potential young employees entering our workforce, we can breathe a sigh of relief as we have nothing to fear. I was blown away yet again with the, confidence, enthusiasm, resilience & attitude of the students at Carwatha College. The teachers and students have developed a community of success, supportiveness and inclusion. The very atmosphere throughout the college tells you at Carwatha it’s cool to study. Thank you allowing me the privilege to be reinvigorated by spending time with our next generation – always a pleasure.”
Claire Spencer – HR & Finance Manager Norden - community partner.
"The mock interview program at Carwatha College P-12 is such a fantastic experience for the students. For many, it is the first time they have needed to face the nervousness that comes with putting yourself on the line for something that is important for you. A great learning experience for all the students which gives them a real taste of the importance of putting yourself forward in an adult world. It is an experience that will give them a real advantage as they move beyond school to further education and work. The fact that twenty local business and community members give their time for this program reflects on the importance of this experience for students. Well done Carwatha!!"
Frank Sal –Principal Liaison- Victorian Depart of Education.
REMINDER to Year 12 students
- Tertiary Information Day is being held this Tuesday 30th May. Students are expected to be at school ready to leave at 8.35am. Students are reminded to please bring materials to take notes on the presentation. Students will hear about the application process for applying for Universities and TAFE colleges for next year.
- Any student wishing to study medicine needs to register for the UMAT test by Friday 2nd June. Students have been alerted to this at the during the year- this is their final reminder. Applications close 2 June; Test is on 26 July. - Information Booklet:
Any questions please come and see me!
Jodie McCarthy