Secondary News

From The Junior Years Leader
Year 9 students and parents should note that there will be semester exams in both English and Maths. These will be held on Wednesday, June 14 in the small gym during periods 1-3. Period 4 will take place as normal on that day. Students will be issued with more information shortly. It is essential that Year 9 students are present for these exams and became used to working under exam conditions.
Mr Kevin Fahey
Year 7-12 students - 2017 ANCQ Registration
Dear Science students at Carwatha College, secondary:
Registrations for the 2017 ANCQ being held on Tuesday 1 August are now open.
The ANCQ is a great opportunity to promote chemistry and the role it plays in our society as well as providing a useful benchmarking resource for gauging the understanding your students have of chemistry.
The Quiz consists of 30 multiple choice questions, taking approximately 1 hour, split into four divisions. The age divisions are Junior Years 7 – 8, Intermediate Years 9 – 10, Senior Division Year 11 and Final Division Year 12. The ANCQ can be taken either online or hard copy.
The cost per entry is $5.75 incl. GST. Registrations for this competition close on Friday 2 June.
All students are awarded for their efforts and receive a Certificate of Participation; we anticipate that approximately 40% of entrants will receive Certificates of Merit to acknowledge their efforts at Credit, Distinction and High Distinction levels. Students who obtain a perfect score of 30 out of 30, receive a Certificate of Excellence and a lapel badge.
The ANCQ is a truly International competition with translations into seven different languages. The Quiz attracts over 110,000 entries from over 1,600 schools throughout Australia and 17 neighbouring countries. We anticipate an even greater response for the 2017 Quiz, including entries from Austria and Germany.
To register for the 2017 quiz please visit and use the following information to log in.
Username: admin
Password: ancq2017
School Code 317401
If you require any further assistance please contact the ANCQ schools coordinator at
Mrs Crawford
Year 7C Experiment - Mixtures
On Tuesday May 16, 7C students participated in a science experiment. They have recently been learning about what mixtures are made up of, examples of mixtures and how they can be separated physically in an experiment. In groups, students planned, designed and carried out an experiment to separate a mixture of sand, salt and one other item (iron nails, sawdust or polystyrene balls). Students used separation techniques such as magnetic separation, filtration, sieving and boiling/evaporation. All students behaved very safely during this experiment, and they will complete their practical report for this task next lesson. Did you know – examples of mixtures include: blood, air, sea water and pizza!
Kyla Crawford
Year 7 - French Excursion
On Tuesday the 2nd of May, all of the Year 7 students went on a French excursion to the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) in the city. We all watched the movie ‘Hugo’ that explained how the first movies were made. It answered a lot of our questions about the past.
We then walked to a nearby shopping district called ‘Southgate’, where we bought our lunch. After lunch we returned to ACMI again to visit Screen Worlds. There we learnt how technology has evolved. Some of the things we saw were old televisions, old video games and how light is projected.
We all had an amazing time and learnt many new things.
By Cassandra Lazarakis and Tiffany Bustos 7A
Year 8A Experiemnt - Guess The Element
On Thursday May 18, 8A students participated in a science activity called ‘Guess the element’. The purpose of this activity was to expose students to the different names, appearances and uses of elements in the universe, as part of their unit on Chemistry. Students were given containers labelled with letters of the alphabet, and with the help of a list, had to try to name each element via using the senses of sight and touch. The elements seen today were either metals, metalloids or non-metals, and some of them were very reactive (these were not handled by students). Did you know that: elements are substances that are made up of one type of atom, approximately 80% of the elements that exist are metals, and that there are over 100 elements listed on the modern Periodic Table?
Mrs Crawford
Year 8 Melbourne Zoo Excursion
Year 9A Experiment – Sheep Pluck Dissection
On Friday May 19, 9A science students put on a brave face and dissected the pluck of a sheep. A pluck includes these organs: trachea, heart, lungs and liver. Students discussed why we used sheep models to advance science and the focus of the dissection was on the structure and function of organs in mammals. Whilst wearing safety equipment, students felt, moved and cut various organs and filled in a practical report booklet as a homework task.
All students behaved very sensibly and safely. Thank you to Wiley for assisting in the cleaning up! Did you know – the liver is the only mammalian organ that can regenerate itself, and that lungs can still inflate with air once the organism they belong to is deceased!
Mrs Crawford
Intermediate Girls Netball
On Wednesday the 24th of May, 9 intermediate girls went out to interschool netball. During the day, we played 6 games of which we managed to win 3, and were unlucky to lose 2 out of the remaining 3. Overall we came 4th on the day out of 7 teams. We really enjoyed playing the sport and representing the school community.
Alison Hughes
Mid-Year Examinations
Mid-Year Examinations will commence on Friday 9th June 2017 and conclude on Thursday 15th June. Students have been provided with their examination timetable.
All students completing a Unit 1 subject are required to sit their exam when they are scheduled. Those students that have organised an alternate time due to examination clashes are aware of their individual times. Year 10 students that do not have an examination scheduled are not required to be at school outside of the scheduled exams during this week.
All Year 11 students studying a Unit 3.4 subject during this time are required to attend their Unit 3.4 classes when they do not have an exam scheduled.
Any students in Year 10-12 that are enrolled in a Unit 3.4 study are required to sit the VCAA General Achievement Test, GAT on Wednesday 14th June 2017. This examination is compulsory. It commences at 10am and concludes at 1.15pm. Students were provided with the official GAT brochure in Year level assembly.
A copy of the brochure can be found at
Preparing for mid-year exams
Students should commence a comprehensive revision program which could include:
- Ensuring that all class work is completed
- Revising over notes
- Completing revision activities set by the teacher
- Developing study notes
- Using EDROLO (VCE) revision examination questions and quiz activities
Students should be clarifying with the classroom teacher the format for their exam and asking how to achieve their best.
If you have any questions about the mid-year exams please do not hesitate to contact Sally Ross, Senior Years Leader or Kevin Fahey, Junior Years Leader on 9795 5848.
Year 10 News
I am pleased to announce our Year 10 student leaders:
Benjamin Bright
Eftalya Coskun
Jacky Fulcher
Ramzi Ghandour
Eftalya Coskun, Jacky Fulcher, Ramzi Ghandour and Alison Hughes.
Congratulations to our student leaders for their willingness to be involved in the co-curricular activities that this role presents.
Taking on leadership roles means much more than being prepared to lead by example, help others, being the voice for colleagues. Furthermore, being a leader is being prepared to take on new challenges, to stand out in a crowd and accepting the personal growth that comes along with every new experience.
I am confident that they will present our college community with distinction and pride.
Keys Please - Information for Parent
What could be more rewarding than supervising your son or daughter on their learner permit so they can become a safer driver?
Many parents might add "and what could be more challenging?"
Do you remember your own learning to drive experience?
Mid-June, at school, your son or daughter will be taking part in a VicRoads Keys Please session. Whether or not they already have their L plates, this session tells them everything they need to know about making the most of the learner driver period.
Parents and carers have an important role in helping their young people develop the skills and attitudes they need to become safer drivers. You should feel like a sports coach (not a driving instructor) and there are two resources to help you.
The VicRoads Learner Kit, given to all successful learner permit applicants, contains the booklet Guide for Supervising Drivers that is essential reading – make sure you ask your son or daughter to pass it on! The second resource is the online Lessons from the Road resource.
Lessons from the Road features eight videos. The videos showcase the emotions and real life issues in learning to drive. They help you work through the four stages required to help learners achieve their goals. Lessons from the Road is easy to use and can be accessed on the VicRoads website at and search “Lessons from the Road”.
When your child attends the Keys Please session they will be encouraged to discuss the information they have received and to watch Lessons from the Road at home with you.
Please ask them about the Keys Please session and make sure that you watch the videos together. It won’t take long and it will help you through the process of learning to drive as well as information for keeping new solo drivers safe.
Research shows that learners who gain experience with parents have about 20% lower crash and traffic offence rates once they are licensed than learners who only take professional lessons. Research also shows that on average learners who gain an average of 120 hours of supervised on-road experience in all conditions have a 30% lower risk of crashing after getting a licence. VicRoads strongly recommends watching Lessons from the Road. Helping your son or daughter to be a safer driver is the one Rewards Program you can’t afford to miss out on!
Mr Haddad
Biomimicry Competition for Year 10 - 12 students
Calling all budding science communicators!
GTAC (the Gene technology access centre) - in Parkville, is inviting students of Years 10–12 to submit a blog discussing your favourite example of Biomimicry.
The winning entry will be published on the GTAC website, with prizes awarded to the winning student and their school.
Visit the GTAC website for more details and to view last year’s winning entries on Geckoskin Adhesive Tape by Stephanie M (Casterton Secondary College, and the Kingfisher and the Bullet Train by Zoe E (Elwood College,
This competition closes on Friday, June 23.
Mrs Crawford.
Greater Dandenong Cross Country
On Thursday the 18th May nineteen students travelled to Braeside Park to compete in the Greater Dandenong Division cross country competition.
From this Alison Hughes, Hanna Garrard, Reggie Comeros, Ro Mon Lay, Mela Basic, Kevin Lumoro and Reannin Carlos-Smart have won through to compete at the Southern Metropolitan Division Cross Country Event to be held at Ballam Park, Frankston on Monday 19th June. Well done to all of the students that competed and congratulations to the seven students who have continued to the next level.
Ruth Arnold