Battle Of The Bands

Battle Of The Bands
Tuesday and Wednesday were very exciting days for the Carwatha College P-12 senior and junior bands as they both performed at the South Eastern Regional Rockfest (Battle of the Bands).
Both bands played really well and did our school proud!
The senior band, comprised of Winona Bonne on Rhythm Guitar and Vocals, Hayley Lucas on Bass, Michael Alexiadis on Guitar and Keyboard, Nicholas D'Amico on Drums and Filimon Moutis on Lead Guitar, played 3 songs. They were: Every time you walk into the Room, All Fired Up and Rude.
Many people came up to the students after the performance and commented on how "tight" the band sounded. We were very pleased.
The junior band comprised of Hanna Garrard on Tambourine and Vocals, Clare Jacobe on Vocals, Michael Alexiadis on Lead Guitar and Bass, Paul Alexiadis on Lead Guitar and Bass, Steve Leve on Rhythm Guitar, Joshua Sahetapy-Beare and Gracia Garcia on Drums also played 3 songs. They were Rockin' Robin, Harder To Breathe and Painted Black.
Miss Whittaker and I were very proud of this group as it was their first public performance with this line up. Well done! They have now decided on a name and I will no longer be calling them the Carwatha Junior Band as they will now be known as "The Other Way". We all enjoyed watching the bands from the other schools and picked up a few tips from them.
I would like to acknowledge Michael Alexiadis who played in both Senior and Junior band. He won the "Best Bass Player" award. Congratulations Michael, what a great effort!
We hope you all enjoy the videos as we are very proud of our musicians.
Marina Novelli