Principal's Report

From The Principal
The education system serves a very specific role in society: it is meant to instil in future citizens the necessary knowledge and competencies they will need to lead fulfilling lives and contribute to society in a meaningful way. Our staff feel privileged to contribute to the role of equipping and preparing young people for more education, work and life together with our parents.
Equipping our students for the future—one that is yet to be formed can be challenging. Whether the learning takes place in the classroom or through extra-curricular activities such as excursions, incursions or fundraising for causes in our wider community, we seek to develop students who show RESPECT, are COMMITED to their studies, Strive for EXCELLENCE and support each other through TEAMWORK.
As part of our outstanding pathways program, our Year 10 students participated in mock interviews on Thursday May 18th. The students prepared thoroughly for the interviews, dressed appropriately and made the College extremely proud, over 25 community partners conducted the interviews and discussed interview techniques with the students. They were most impressed with our students and how seriously they took the occasion. It was an extremely valuable experience for all involved. Thanks to our Pathways team, Jodie McCarthy and Pam Naylor for making it happen and to all of our community partners for giving up their time to be involved.
Below are 2 quotes, one from one of our students and one from a community partner showing what a great day it was;
“Mock interviews were an eye opening experience that made me reflect on my skills. The process has given me confidence in putting myself out there and taking a chance with my future career. The interview was nerve wrecking but a really great opportunity to take me out of my comfort zone. I feel more prepared for future conversations with employers and know what to expect when in the next interview situation.” Year 10 student.
“I have found there has been an onslaught of fear based hype surrounding millennials joining the workforce of late. However, if the students that I met and mock interviewed at Carwatha College P-12 today are a reflection of the calibre of potential young employees entering our workforce, we can breathe a sigh of relief as we have nothing to fear. I was blown away yet again with the, confidence, enthusiasm, resilience & attitude of the students at Carwatha College. The teachers and students have developed a community of success, supportiveness and inclusion. The very atmosphere throughout the college tells you at Carwatha it’s cool to study. Thank you allowing me the privilege to be reinvigorated by spending time with our next generation – always a pleasure.” Claire Spencer – HR & Finance Manager Norden - community partner.
Year 10 and 11 students begin mid-year exams on the 13 of June. It is extremely important that they begin organising themselves now, completing their studies and carrying out extra revision to ensure they are thoroughly prepared. All students studying a Year 12 subject will sit the GAT (General Achievement Test) on June 16th. Students have been working hard and have been well prepared for their exams. I wish them good luck.
Students have had the opportunity to attend the Cross Country, Interschool sport competitions, Battle of the Bands and excursions to, the Shrine of Remembrance, The Holocaust Museum, the Richmond Football Club and the National Gallery of Victoria.
The Colleges Annual Variety night was held on the 16th of May, it was a brilliant night showcasing the outstanding talent our students possess, thank you to Kate Whitaker, Marina Novelli and Damien Maughan for all the work they did setting up the night. It was also extremely pleasing to see so many teachers attend to support our talented students.
There has been immense interest in our new program for High Achieving students. The SEE program. I encourage all Grade 6 parents to consider this program for their children if they feel that it is suitable. Please contact me if you would wish to discuss the program further.
I would be most grateful if parents could help advertise this program in our community, directing families with grade 6 children to our website to find out further information about the program.
The College is excited to launch our new FACEBOOK page. I encourage all families to join it to keep up to date with what is happening at our great College and to be able to share the news with their friends.
Further details on how to follow our FACEBOOK page are contained in the newsletter.
Pat Mulcahy
College Principal