Library News

From The Library
Our ‘genrefication’ process continues. Science fiction – which includes dystopian fiction, future and steam punk – and the Classics sections are in place. We are now working on Chick Lit and Lad Lit. These areas include adolescent issues, friendships and family.
Craft over the last two weeks has been based on the Picture Book 'Florette' by Anna Walker.
“When Mae’s family moves to a new home, Mae wishes she could bring the garden with her. She’ll miss the apple trees, the daffodils and the butterflies in the long, wavy grass. But there’s no room for a garden in her new home…Or is there?”
The students have been creating a mural reflecting Mae’s garden in the midst of the ‘concrete jungle’ she has moved to, on the back wall of the library.
Thank you to Charlie Ta for his help in bringing the garden to life.
A reminder that parents are welcome to borrow from our library.
Mrs Famularo, Mrs Sal and Mrs Wood