Relay for Life 2015
On the 21-22nd of March the year 12 VCAL girls participated in Relay For Life to support cancer research. The 24-hour event included raising money and having one or more members of the group walking the track at all times. The VCAL class raised money by having a movie day, sausage sizzle, bake sale and we also received donations from various companies. All together the VCAL students raised a total of $1,288.45.
The first day of Relay For Life started at 12:00 pm. The students set up the tent, marquee, and BBQ area. The opening ceremony began and all the participants started their first lap of the day. The day went by quickly with everyone participating and having fun. There were many different events happening throughout the day and night, one of them included the candlelight ceremony, which involved candles being lit in remembrance of cancer fighters, it was very moving. The night dragged on due to it being cold and damp.
Closing time came; the girls were very tired and cold. All the participants came together as one to complete their final lap before the event ended. All the girls were very proud of themselves for contributing to such a good cause.
The year 12 VCAL girls and all the teachers who participated would like to thank Dalton Automatic, BERS butchers, G-Force, BCC, Betta Electrical, Geelong Collision, any staff donations and anyone who personally donated.
We would also like to thank the following teachers: Mrs Shen, Mrs Sharp, Mrs Howarth, Mrs Fagan, Mr Keast and Mrs Myers for coming and visiting.
Cross Country 2015
Our annual cross-country event held at Fyansford Common on Wednesday 6th May, saw our staff and students brave some of the more testing weather conditions compared to previous years. Cold, wet and windy but none the less successful, as students opted to run a bit faster in order to keep warmer.
For the first time in our new house system we had Blue House win the event on 396 points smashing the other houses with Green on 297, Gold 277 and Red 93.
The quickest time of the day over the 4km course was from a younger age group competitor - Vanessa Marsh from the 15 years age group with a time of 18.05.
Our age group champions were as follows;
13 year: Grace Robson
14 year: Jade Kelly
15 year: Vanessa Marsh
16 year: Genevieve Visser-Hook
Senior: Misty Hernandez
Well done to all those who competed and good luck to the top 8 of each age group who qualified for the next round in Geelong on the 25th of May.
Mr Lehmann
Sport Coordinator