Learning Can Smell So Bad!

Year 9 Indonesian Class

Durian is a fruit found in southeast Asia.   It’s also known as the ‘king of fruits’.  It’s big, spikey and smells like hell…but it’s said it tastes like heaven. The Year 9 Indonesian classes had a chance to try some durian, and this is what they thought –



‘I never try anything, but I tried that.  It was really nice!’ – Kate S

 ‘It’s actually not that bad if you don’t chew it’ – Mihaela R

‘It was like giving in to peer pressure because you knew it was gonna be bad but you did it anyway’ - Jacqui R

‘It tasted like a mushed onion mixed with a rotten egg that's been in a hard case for millions of years’ – Charlotte K

‘It was good to try something new, but I don’t want to eat that anymore’ – Shanara R

‘It’s like someone put off custard and garlic in ice-cream!’ – Ebony B


‘Eating it was like swallowing a fly then getting it stuck in your teeth and having to taste it twice, so you can say it tasted like torture’ – Kameron M