Upcoming Dates

Monday 18 May, 2015
- Girls’ Education Week
- Year 10 Science classes to Science Quantum
- Year 9 Outdoor Ed to rock climbing
- Year 10 Outdoor Ed surfing at Bancoora
- Year 9 Gym Junkies to Geelong’s Gym
- Unit 1 and 3 Drama to GPAC
- College Council meeting
Tuesday 19 May, 2015
- Girls’ Education Week
- Whole school assembly
- Junior sport – netball, badminton, soccer
Wednesday 20 May, 2015
- Girls’ Education Week
- Year 9F, 9E and 9N to Immigration Museum
- Cert IV Music students to music masterclass
- Selected students to Jamie’s Ministry of Food
- Year 10 Outdoor Ed to Surfworld
Thursday 21 May, 2015
- Girls’ Education Week
- Junior sport – netball, badminton, soccer
- Year 9 Outdoor Ed to camp at Anglesea
- Year 10 Drama to GPAC
- All students learning French to Village Cinemas
- Unit 1 PE to water polo at Geelong College
Friday 22 May, 2015
- Girls’ Education Week
- Year 9 Outdoor Ed to camp at Anglesea
- Year 10 Science classes to Science Quantum
- Year 8 Trisport to indoor hockey and basketball
- Selected students to ‘Big Science Competition’
- Selected students to ‘Riding for the Disabled’
Monday 25 May, 2015
- Year 9I, 9L and 9D to Immigration Museum
- Geelong Cross Country
Tuesday 26 May, 2015
- National Sorry Day
- VCE study day
- Unit 1 Psychology and Unit 1 Legal Studies to Barwon Prison
- Year 8 and 10 students to Luka Lesson Slam Poetry workshop
Wednesday 27 May, 2015
- Year 9 and 10 Media to Pt Lonsdale lighthouse
- Selected students to Jamie’s Ministry of Food
- Year 10 Outdoor Ed to surfing at Bancoora
- Selected students to Australian History competition
Thursday 28 May, 2015
- Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
Friday 29 May, 2015
- Buildings and Grounds meeting
- Unit 3 Literature to GPAC