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FREE Q & A Panel Event @ The Royal Children’s Hospital
The Asthma Foundation of Victoria, in partnership with The Royal Children’s Hospital and Royal Melbourne Hospital, is very excited to announce that once again it will be holding a FREE Q&A Panel Event in June 2015.
This year’s event will be focused on ‘Managing Asthma and Allergy’. An Expert Panel, consisting of respiratory and allergy specialists, will address key questions and concerns you may have in regards to asthma and allergies. The event is open to all ages, those recently diagnosed or with life-long struggles in managing their asthma and allergies.
The panelists will be available to answer all of your questions.
Date: Sunday 28 June 2015
Time: 4pm to 6pm
Venue: Ella Latham Auditorium, Royal Children’s Hospital, Parkville
Cost: FREE
To register visit
or contact The Asthma Foundation of Victoria on or 03 9326 7088.
Facebook Page for Young People with Asthma
A new Facebook page has recently been established for 13-25 year olds with asthma. The page is titled Young People With Asthma – Australia. Secondary aged students (must be 13 yo & over) and other young people can share their experiences, hear about latest developments and get tips on asthma management. Regular sessions will be held for young people to have their asthma questions answered by an asthma expert.
There will also be chances to provide input to our directions and resource development for this age group.
Sewing Machine Wanted
The Maker Space Program, a lunch-time program for students, is looking for a sewing machine. If you have a sewing machine that is no longer in use and you would like to donate it to the Maker Space Program it would be very much appreciated. Please contact the school office with your details and someone from the Maker Space Program will contact you.
Expressions of interest are invited from students aged 13 years 6 months to 16 years on 1 January 2016. The student would exchange family and school for 3 months (one school term). The student would be under the guidance of a Rotary Club during both the selection process and the actual exchange period.
All arrangements, including school exchange, would be negotiated by Aus/NZ Rotary Clubs. Cost to student: $4500.00.
For further information and application forms please contact:
Prue Mason: or 0409510646.