Senior School  

 Senior School Report

It’s been a busy term for the Senior School students!  We started with Year 12 Residential, which gave our students an opportunity to better understand the needs of this year, prepare for this upcoming year and how to do their best, and have recently ended with Harmony Day and a celebration of the diversity of our school and wider communities.  I would like to thank the student leaders for their organisation of the events on the day, and the day itself.   


Our VCAL students have chosen to focus on homelessness this year as their project, gaining an understanding of homelessness itself, how and why people end up on the streets and strategies to try and combat homelessness.  After a Salvation Army-led tour of Melbourne’s CBD to develop an understanding of homelessness and how the Salvation Army supports those in need.  Following this, the class developed their own fundraising efforts, raising over $1,200 to go towards eradicating homelessness in Melbourne.  Congratulations to the VCAL class for their preparation and execution of this fundraiser – and the cupcakes were delicious!


All Senior School students will have holiday homework and revision to complete, especially our VCE students.  The holidays are a good time for students to consolidate their knowledge, in preparation for Term 2 and upcoming assessment tasks.  Parents and guardians are requested to encourage and support their student in completing their homework and revision. 

Student-Parent-Teacher conferences took place on Wednesday 28 March.  The inclusion of the student into these conferences is a deliberate one – they are, after all, the ones who will have to complete their assessment tasks, improve for future tasks, learn from their mistakes and celebrate their successes and strengths.  This is only possible by students being in attendance at the interviews.


Finally, I wish all students and staff a safe and restful holiday – it has been a big term and Term 2 will only get busier, as our students prepare for their mid-year exams and assessments so come back refreshed and invigorated!


Ellen Sawyer

Head of Senior School 


Year 12 Biology – Outcome Preparation

Throughout this term, Year 12 Biology students have been working towards preparing for their first Outcome (Area of Study 1, Outcome 1 for Unit 3). For this outcome, students were required to complete 3 practical tasks to enhance their knowledge of experimental procedure and develop a range of inquiry and analytical skills including critical and creative thinking, and communication skills.


Practical Task #1 involved studying the cell membrane and analysing the effects of different concentrations of solutions on the movement of water.

Practical Task #2 (pictured below) involved investigating the effects of different temperatures on the activity of the enzyme Trypsin (that breaks down casein – a protein found in milk).

Practical Task #3 (pictured below) involved studying the process of yeast fermentation by measuring temperature during two different reactions (one containing glucose and the other containing no glucose).

Students will then use their logbooks (where they record specific details from each experiment) to help them answer a series of structured questions. Knowledge gained from completing these practical tasks will help them to complete these questions.

Well done to the class so far for working really well with each other during each practical task– I am very proud of them!


Emma Rooke

Biology Teacher


SRC Harmony Day 

“To survive in peace and harmony, united and strong, we must have one people, one nation, one flag.”


The message of Harmony Day is that ‘everyone belongs’ and everyone comes together and ignores peoples differences and accept people for who they are. The Scoresby Secondary College community came together as one on Thursday 22 March as we celebrated Harmony Day. The SRC organised a free dress day to raise money for State Schools’ Relief which supports students’ education in government schools. All year levels from 7 to 12 and staff were invited to participate in a couple of activities which were held during lunchtime.


The SRC held a ‘Kahoot quiz’, which was held in the Student Centre. The questions revolved around what harmony day is all about and how important cultural diversity is in Australia.


The SRC also encouraged any performance acts up onto stage during lunch. We had our Year 9 and Year 11 band perform some lovely songs, as well as some other wonderfully talented students that entertained Scoresby students and staff during lunchtime in the Student Centre. There was also a modified photo booth available for students to gather round with their friends and take some photos. Take a look at some of the photos below.

Aimee Bugeja