
7 Habits of a Self Confident Person

Self-confidence is all about believing in yourself, your self-worth, your power and abilities, regardless of the situation you find yourself in. Highly self-confident people focus on the needs of others and take attention away from themselves. They are usually people of service and the more they contribute to the world, the more they are rewarded with personal recognition and success.


The Habits:

1. Keep your word to yourself and others

2. Choose positive self-talk

3. Focus on your strengths

4. Be Courageous

5. Act & feel important

6. Be grateful

7. Focus on contributing to others


 Tricks To Be More Confident For A Job Interview.

  1. Listen to upbeat music/ watch motivational 'You Tube' videos (TED): this helps to pump you up and put you in a mood to win. In an interview you need to sound enthusiastic and excited about the position.
  2. Smile!- smiles make people relax and look more attractive. Smile as you walk into the room and one will be returned. That's a good start!
  3. Body Language- Stand and walk proudly even if you are shaking inside. If you slouch, slump, shuffle, fidget, cross your arms, etc, you will project a negative image.
  4. Think Positively: This will help you to have faith in yourself, which will affect your body language.
  5. Practise your interview at home by speaking answers out aloud, using correct enunciation. Try to hear your voice, correct any nervous intonations, pitch problems etc. Do this in front of a mirror so you can see your facial gestures also.
  6. Look Good and Appropriate: It's hard to give a good impression when you are uncomfortable. If you look good and are appropriately dressed then you'll FEEL good. Be well dressed, have neat hair, be polished, clean and well groomed. This will boost your confidence in the opening minutes.
  7. Do one extroverted act before your interview: Smile at a stranger, chat with the receptionist, talk to the cafe manager etc. Small talk often starts an interview in order to relax you. Interviewers are really looking for someone who can fit the team dynamic. Employers want to create a motivated, friendly environment, so you want to come across as friendly and personable. Show your personality!
  8. Practise to have the best possible answer to the question: “Why do you want this job?" It's often the most important question of the interview and can make or break your chances and it often sets the tone for the remainder of the interview. Show you know about the company, its mission statement and how it ties with your career values and desires.

If the interviewer doesn't ask the specific question, answer it anyway, when you have a chance to ask questions or add anything extra. State why you were excited to be granted an interview and why you feel passionate about the work they do. This is your chance to impress!




Glenda Lemon

Careers/ Librarian