Camp Australia
Camp Australia Report
Hi Families,
Over the past two weeks the children have had a lot of fun in morning and after care with our theme of summer. There has been much discussion about this season, and the other seasons and why we like them the most. The children have created summer themed artwork using a range of art and craft and materials. The most popular activity was summertime at the beach, where children used real shells and other art materials such as textas, pencils and paper to create their masterpieces. There has been a big focus on group games this week including soccer, tennis, and cricket. The children have been really inclusive of each other and have done a great job showing leadership and communication skills whilst organizing games and playing them.
The past two weeks the children have been really big on cooking with two pizza cooking afternoons in one week. During these sessions there has been great involvement by most of the children and everybody comes together to enjoy the food that they have created. There has been a high level involvement from children in the earlier years of school, which is really beautiful to see them collaborating with the middle and older age group children, and working together to achieve a fun and shared goal. Children have been proud of what they cooked and great at sharing it with their friends in care. Cooking is becoming more popular by the week and everybody involved is loving the experience of cooking and eating together. Also this week children have been really big on creating talent shows daily. The competition is open to anybody at care and completely young person organized and focused. It had been amazing to see the older children step up and lead and be patient and inclusive to all the other children from other year levels. For the past two weeks children have been very focused on construction using lego, the attention to detail, range and size of the objects they are creating is quite impressive. Some children have gone onto use these as props for drama plays as part of the the talent show. Children have used our everyday setup pieces such as chairs, blankets and cushions for the setup of the talent show, creating a stage, eating\break area and seating for the audience.
Our new theme for the week will be superheroes and the theme was decided upon from discussion\s of a shared interest over the past two weeks and a group vote. The children are enjoying being a part of choosing their focus here in care. This week we will offer superhero themed art activities, discussions and whichever other superhero or general idea activities the children feel like doing.
The usual games such as soccer, basketball, football, cricket, netball will be offered and whatever creative new games we can come up with. We also have a great range of board games, card games, puzzles and other fun educational games for the children to enjoy.
If there are any queries about the service we offer please feel free to visit our website at
From the team at Before and After School Care!