Skills Roadshow

Skills Roadshow attends
The Skills Roadshow is hitting the streets of NSW to provide young Australians expert career advice and connect them with committed employers through jobs and work experience opportunities.
The first of its kind initiative, pioneered by NSW Business Chamber, is delivering expert careers advice, youth specific career testing and practical work readiness programs to the doorstep of school and local communities.
The Skills Roadshow came to Cowra High on Thursday March 15 and students in Years 9, 10, 11 and 12 attended the sessions.
Students listened to the program coordinators deliver self-discovery themes and practical careers learnings. Their aim is also to unite communities by calling on local employers to ‘Pledge for Youth’ by creating new jobs and work experience opportunities.
The program aims to expose school students and young Australians to:
- Inspirational career stories
- Expert career counsellor
- Onsite career testing
- Information on over 300 career pathways
- Work readiness and job hunting skills
- Local employers offering work experience and job opportunities
Students left the sessions feeling very positive about what the future holds for them. Thank you to Mrs Prue Williams and the Skills Roadshow team for organising a very informative day.