Volunteer Page

Volunteer information and links to our sign up sheets will be listed here. 

Any parents who would like to volunteer at the school will require a Working with Childrens Check (WWCC). Voluntary WWCC are free. Please use the button below to apply and list Armadale Primary school as your organisation. We will then receive a copy of your WWCC letter.





Helpers required from Monday 22nd May


11.40 - 12.10

2.45 - 3.30

To volunteer go to: 


Weekly gardening sessions – Thursdays 2:30-3:30pm


We run a volunteer garden session each Thursday from 2:30-3:30pm to complete jobs such as watering, weeding, pruning, seed sowing etc. 




Drop in gardening


Many people cannot make sessions at specific times, so weekly garden jobs will be written on a blackboard outside the garden shed. You can then stop by when it suits to do some gardening. 


3/4 Kitchen classes will run on Fridays 9-11am for term 1 and 2. The 5/6s will be coordinating a mini canteen on Wednesday's for lunchplay from 11-1pm. 


For both sessions we will need 4 members of our community each week to assist, to volunteer please use the link below, it will be updated weekly.