School Council 

School Council Newsletter Report - 15 June 2023


Last Thursday 15 June, the School Council met for our 4th meeting of the year.  


With a full quorum we went through past minutes, school correspondence and program budgets.  A number of variations were endorsed to support agreed upon building and grounds works and a multitude of sporting events including Gala & District Athletics Days and Divisional Finals.  Good luck to all the kids taking part in these events.



Each meeting we review both income and expenditure, looking at school fees, library and building contributions as well as fundraising.  Just a reminder that tax time is approaching and if you are thinking of making a contribution to the school, these are tax deductible, so make sure you hold onto your receipts. 


There was a strong focus on sustainability and environment with the  Green Event Management Policy being tabled and  approved by the School Council.  WVPS will now demonstrate our commitment to the environment by reducing the impact of our events going forward, embedding sustainable practices across our school, community and curriculum, saving resources and money in the process.  The school is also acknowledging Plastic Free July.   Plastic Free July is a registered charity based in Australia but making a global impact. It promotes how making a small change to reduce plastic can collectively make a big difference.  By reducing the single-use plastics our kids bring to school, we can help reduce plastic waste and contamination at recycling facilities.

I hope everyone has a very relaxing 2 week break from school lunches, homework and washing uniforms.  Our next meeting is Thursday 20 July 2023, via Webex.  All are welcome to observe. 


Sharon Gatt – School Council President