School News

Last week we had the final round of our Wyndham Vale Spelling Bee with the house finalists competing for each year level! Grade 5 and 6 competed on Wednesday, grades 3 and 4 competed on Thursday and Foundation, grades 1 and 2 competed on Friday. Congratulations to all students who made it to the final round and well done for being so brave to spell words in front of your peers. It was spectacular to see so many amazing spellers! 


Here are the final results:



1st Immanuel 0B 

2nd Jordan 0A 

3rd Farhan 0H 

4th Nimar 0E 

Grade 1


1st Samar 1C 

2nd Isaac 1D 

Equal 3rd Misha 1G and Rehan 1F 

Grade 2


1st Ryan 2B

2nd Siddhi 2G

3rd Imran 2D

4th Henry 2F

Grade 3


1st Guransh 3A

2nd Sri 3H

3rd Bhavish 3F

4th Kaia 3H

Grade 4



1st Shahaan 4F

2nd Sakiethyaa 4F

Equal 3rd Nduduzo 4G and Charlie 4A

Grade 5


1st Nitya 5B

2nd Ysabella 5D

3rd Mori 5B

4th Ailish 5D

Grade 6

1st Mikaela 6E

2nd Jia 6E

3rd Riki 6C

4th Jethro 6E

Guransh 3A, Bhavish 3F, Sri 3H & Kaia 3H
Imran 2D, Ryan 2B, Siddhi 2G & Henry 2F
Guransh 3A, Bhavish 3F, Sri 3H & Kaia 3H
Imran 2D, Ryan 2B, Siddhi 2G & Henry 2F
Guransh 3A
Immanuel 0B
Guransh 3A
Immanuel 0B


Nimar 0E, Jordan 0A, Immanuel 0B & Farhan 0H
Nitya 5D
Nimar 0E, Jordan 0A, Immanuel 0B & Farhan 0H
Nitya 5D


Nitya 5D, Ysabelle 5D & Ailish 5D
Ryan 2B
Samar 1C
Nitya 5D, Ysabelle 5D & Ailish 5D
Ryan 2B
Samar 1C


Samar 1C, Misha 1G, Rehan 1F & Isaac 1D
Samar 1C, Misha 1G, Rehan 1F & Isaac 1D




District Girls Football


On Tuesday the 20th of June, out Grade 6 students competed in an AFL competition against other schools. They competed against Werribee PS, Iramoo PS, OLSC, Westgrove PS, TCPS and ST Josephs PS. 

The following students represented our school:



  • Rihanne (6D)
  • Zoya (6F)
  • Devyani (6F)
  • Peyton (6D)
  • Lilah (6A)
  • Zara (6C)
  • Pavi (6D)
  • Ebonie (6A)
  • Ava (6B)
  • Anshpreet (6F)
  • Antoinette (6C)
  • Tatem (6D)
  • Muna (6B)
  • Laney (6A)


Although a little bit cold, the sun was shining, and our girls had a great day. 

Our team:

  • Won 3 games.
  • Lost 2 games. 
  • Drew 1 game. 

Unfortunately, they didn’t go through to the next round, but they did an amazing job. Well done girls! 





                                                                   Our Grade 4 Camp



Camp was really fun, I loved my group but the best things was when we watched the movie because it was really calm and relaxing. I got to spend time with my friends and my cabin was really good. The teachers all made it really fun! Archery was really, really good and I think that I got even better.

-Eldrida 4G


I loved riding bikes because we went down a steep track and went over a big jump. We were riding mountain bikes and it was so fun. We made damper and huts out of tree branches, we went on the giant swing, we did frisbee golf, we went on the low ropes course, and we did team building games. We also did a scavenger hunt on the last day. It was the best camp ever.

-Xavier 4G


On camp I was in the Towrie Lodge in room number 8. My favourite activity was the giant swing. When I was being pulled to the top I knew this was going to be the most fun thing I had ever done. As soon as I pulled the string I swung through the air. That was my favourite activity!

-Mayiah 4G







All late comers need to go straight to Ms. Dalton to be signed in.

Please remember to label you child's uniform with their name. We have many items of clothing in lost property that we cannot return because there is no name on the items.