School Captain's Message

School Captains OVERVIEW Term 2


Hello parents, teachers and students,


We would like to express how much of an amazing experience it's been to be supporting fundraisers such as the Fun Run this term. We have all developed our public speaking skills through our presentations and announcements at school assemblies. Students have been approaching us with lots of ideas about making the school a cleaner and safer environment and we have had the opportunity to share this at our JSC meetings. 


Working with the Habitat Heroes has given us the chance to take pride in our school garden and focus on keeping our school clean. Overall, we hope we have created a more positive experience for all. This has been a wonderful and amazing term. Be aware that the last day of school is on Friday! School ends early at 2:30. Friday is casual dress day! In Term 3 we have many more initiatives to involve our fellow students in. We are very proud to be leaders of WVPS.


Thank you.


Isabella, Yemi, Mae & Farheen