Parent Engagement


Dear Parents/Guardians,

Thank you to the parents who helped me and our lovely librarian, Monny, contact over 100 new books that the grandparents had bought last week. Clearly reading is something alive and well at Holy Family!


I also want to bring to your attention our small collection of parent books available for borrowing in the Parent room near the office. Please see the office if you would like to have a look or email me if you need something on a particular topic on parenting. 




Parenting Courses.

Catholicare also offer a lot of courses online and in person for parents. See this link for their calendar of courses.

Child development and parenting | CatholicCare Sydney


"Christmas Around the World" Friday 1 December 2023


The Parish is wanting to combine this year with the school for a Christmas concert/food festival themed "Christmas Around the World". The idea is to feed the community from 5- 6 pm with different food stalls and then have our Christmas Concert.


Are you a good cook? OR are you simply able to help out at a food table? Perhaps you are busy working full time, and this could be the one thing you commit to this year! 


Basically, we are calling for any families who could band together and would be prepared to cook one cultural dish, perhaps dress up in their national clothes and serve three items per country to our community before the Concert begins. 


We were thinking broadly that there could be a Latino food table, a Chinese food table, a Korean food table. I already have three keen parents for the Korean table!

Please email me on if you feel called to get involved in this initiative in any way. We would charge for the food so that ingredients etc would be paid for by the school. All we need is the manpower and the will to get involved for this community event.  


Anne Gray

Parent Engagement Co-ordinator