
Chicken helpers over the holidays

Dear Families


HELP!! Our chickens need your care.


We are looking for interested and available families who would be happy to come up to school and support our chickens during the holidays.


Our six chickens need willing families to check in on their welfare, clean their water, top up their food and give them some time to forage out of their coop if you can.


This process only needs to take about 30 mins. 

We are very fortunate to have some very helpful and generous families who have cared for the chickens over previous holidays and would welcome any new families who might be interested, but would like to know more.  


Please email Anne Deegan if you would like more information or would like to nominate your availability.


This process only needs to take about 30 mins. 

We are very fortunate to have some very helpful and generous families who have cared for the chickens over previous holidays and would welcome any new families who might be interested, but would like to know more.


Please email Anne Deegan if you would like more information or would like to nominate your availability.