From the Principal

Mr Torpey

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which our school stands, 

the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation.


Dear Families and Friends,  


This Sunday our Gospel reading comes from Matthew 10:26-33 where Jesus instructed the Twelve as follows: ‘Do not be afraid! . . . ' 


Do not be afraid’ is one of the most commonly repeated sentences in the Bible. In one form or another, the command to ‘be not afraid’ or ‘fear not’ appears several hundred times throughout the Old and New Testaments. 


The message to not be afraid is as much for the original intended audience of the gospel as it was for the apostles. The community for whom this gospel was written were on the verge of being ‘squeezed out’ and forced into secret. The passage reminds them to have courage and to have the courage of their convictions; to shout from the house-tops their message, not whisper it in darkness. It is equally a message for us, today. We are called to continue the spread of the gospel message; continuing the work of those early Christian communities, the Twelve and Jesus himself.


Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal

Thanks to all those who were able to support our Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal - we had a great response which was greatly received by the St Vincent de Paul Society of Victoria. It will certainly help many families. The donations were collected yesterday by Noel and his wife. A letter of appreciation is attached.

St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria


To St Justin's Primary School

Wheelers Hill 


We the members of the SVDP conference wish to thank you for your generous donation of food items. Your continues donations has made it possible to help more people in need. 

You can be assured that all the items will be utilised to help our less fortunate brothers and sisters. God bless your generous hearts for this kind donation. Our special thanks to the principal, teachers and students. 


God Bless you and your families. 


Noel Rosario

Dandenong Regional Council President 

SVDP Conference

Emergency Evacuation Drill

Yesterday we had an Emergency Procedure Drill – “Evacuation”. An “Evacuation” requires all staff, students and visitors to evacuate all buildings and make their way safely to the designated assembly point, which is located at the front of the school and another at the back of the school. Once each class is assembled, the roll is taken and students wait for further instructions. If safe to do so, assigned wardens will check every room and report back to the Communication Officer, who would then relay this information to Emergency Departments. An Evacuation might be used for a variety of reasons including a fire, gas leak or smoke. Whilst we hope to never use our Emergency Procedures, it’s nice to know that we are prepared. If you are ever at school during a drill, please participate so that we get a realistic understanding of how to manage all members of our community.

New Sign

Please be aware of the new No Standing sign that was installed this week outside the school driveway on the school crossing side. It can be a bit confusing as it doesn't align with the white lines and sits inside a no parking zone. For the safety of all members of our community, please ensure you follow all parking restrictions.


No Stopping Sign: According to the Vic Roads website, "If there is a 'no stopping' sign, you are not allowed to stop or park your car in, or partly in, that area for any reason. Dropping off or picking up passengers or goods in a ‘no stopping’ area is not permitted."

Chess Club

Congratulations to Ted, Johnathan and Haik for winning this terms' Chess Club awards. Chess is held each Wednesday after school in the Library and is open to all ages. A free class will be held on the first Wednesday back for anyone who might be interested. Everyone welcome.

End of Semester Reports

Student Reports for this semester will be made available to families via the online nForma Parent Portal. Instructions on how to access the nForma Parent Portal were sent out to the email addresses that have been previously supplied to the school. 


It is very important that you have updated your email address with the school, as an automated email containing instructions and login details will come from and not the school. Please ensure that you check your junk/spam folder for an email from that address. 


It is highly recommended that you use a computer to access your child’s reports for the first time. Subsequent logins can be made on a mobile device if preferred. Once you have followed the instructions, you will be able to view your child’s report online. Once in the portal you will need to choose your child (if you have more than one at our school) and then choose the reporting component. 

2023  - Privacy Collection Notice


Student Wellbeing

Throughout their childhood, children experience a variety of illnesses, bugs and viruses. Whilst it is impossible to protect our children from them all, there are certain things we can do to help:

  • Make regular checks and take appropriate action for ‘nasties’ – headlice, coughs and colds, worms, etc.
  • Inform the school if any ‘nasties’ are found,
  • Talk to your child about good hygienic practices.

The holidays can be a good time to check on these things.


Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD)

The NCCD is an annual collection of information about Australian school students with disability. The NCCD enables schools, education authorities and governments to better understand the needs of students with disability and how they can be best supported at school.  The definition of ‘students with disability’ applies broadly to any student who has received adjustments over 10 weeks within a 12-month period.


Information pertaining to the NCCD can be found in today’s Newsletter under the Learning Diversity page.

Where's  Mr T

Can you find Mr T? He's hiding somewhere in the newsletter.


Have a great weekend and we will see yuo all in two weeks.


All the best,




Mr Patrick Torpey
