School Captain's Message

Hello Parents and Families of WVPS,


We have begun Term 3 with a focus on keeping our school environment clean and cared for by all students. As a team, we have focused on these initiatives because of student feedback that they would like to see our school yard clean and tidy. It is very positive to see that the students of WVPS take pride in their school environment and want to help keep it clean! 

Bunnings have donated buckets and tongs to all classrooms so that students can earn rewards for keeping our school yard free from rubbish. We are focusing on nude food for school lunches. This means bringing lunches to school with as little wrappers as possible. 

Last term we worked with the Wyndham City Council program “Habitat Heroes” to help plan to clean up and rejuvenate our old school garden. School Captains and the JSC worked with  Habitat Heroes to plan our garden layout. 


This term, we look forward to continuing our work with this group to plant 40 new plants that they have donated to the school. We look forward to getting our hands dirty and taking part in the planting of our new trees and plants. This term, all School Captains will be attending the Wyndham student leadership forum. We are looking forward to working with student leaders from other schools in our area and sharing ideas to develop our leadership skills.




Yemi and Isabella: School Captains 

Farheen and Mae: School Vice Captains