
Last semester was such an exciting time for the students in Art with lots of plaster and paint occurring across all learning areas. I really hope students share their experiences with parents when bringing home work. A massive thank you to all parents who shared feedback on Art assessments. It was lovely to read your kind words and feedback. 


Three/Four students were extremely lucky last term participating in the ‘Dairy Cow Australia’ competition. This ran alongside their classroom theme ‘Healthy Eating’. Students learnt how dairy keeps them healthy and then in partners they design a cow to show what they had learnt. One design was chosen to then be recreated onto our new school cow St. Batholomoo. Our cow has now been entered into the competition and we will find out the winners over the next few weeks. St. Batholomoo will be added to our playground soon where she can be enjoyed by everyone. A huge congratulations to Gusti Feldtmann from 3/4 Kelly for creating our winning design.



This term will be a short one for me with only 4 weeks remaining before I head off on my adventure to Dubia. During this time students will be looking at different techniques and artists to create a range of multimedia projects.

Foundation - Foundation will be investigating Kandinsky and how he uses colour in his artworks to show different emotions. 

One/Two - One, Twos will be investigating size and texture when creating different animals. They will be investigating different picture story book illustrators and how they use different techniques to create texture to their work. 

Three/Four - Three, Four students are developing their pastel skills and showing how to use different blending techniques to show manipulation of colours when looking at landscapes. 

Five/Six - Senior students are looking into the new art skill of ‘Zentangles’ created by Rick Thomas and Maria Thomas. They are using this skill and mixing it with water colours to show two elements within an artwork.