Key Dates & Events



You are welcome to access the OLA Calendar on our website or here.


Week 9
Monday 19 June                      Rapid Action Week
Tuesday 20 June                     1pm - School Early Dismissal
                                                      1.40pm-7pm - Parent/Teacher Interviews 
Thursday 22 June                    3.30-5pm - Parent/Teacher Interviews
Friday 23 June                          2.30pm - Whole School Assembly
                                                      3.15pm - End of Term 2
Week 1- Term 3 
Monday 10 July                         School Closure Day
Tuesday 11 July                         Start of Term 3
Wednesday 12 July                  9.40am-2pm - AFL in-class incursion
Friday 14 July                             9.40am-2pm - AFL in-class incursion
                                                       Whole School Assembly
Week 2 
Monday 17 July                          7.30pm-8.30pm  OSAC Meeting
Thursday 20 July                        6.30pm-7.30pm - Confirmation Parent/Child Workshop
Friday 21 July                              Newsletter Day

2023 Term Dates 

Term 2
Wednesday 26 April - Friday 23 June
Term 3
Tuesday 11 July - Friday 15 September
Term 4

Tuesday 3 October - Thursday 14 December for Grade 6 students and 

                                        Friday 15 December for students Prep-Grade 5