From the Principal
This week’s Gospel Jesus speaks to the crowds in parables. Jesus is speaking about an issue that confronts us: Why is there good and evil in this world? Why does God permit evil? Nature itself provides many metaphors for the kingdom of God. In the first parable the farmer does not weed his field because that might also damage the good plants. Similarly, faith communities are made up of imperfect individuals at various stages of spiritual growth. God does not ‘prune’ the community of believers but waits patiently for individuals to change and let the goodness in them bloom forth. Like the farmer, God knows that things are not always what they first appear to be. God is patient, allowing us time to mature and reveal our truer selves. Given time we might turn out to be something very good. It is hard to trust the slow work of God. Perhaps when we grow frustrated with the world and wonder why God doesn't seem to be acting, we can reflect on his patience with us. If we do that we might be able to cooperate more deeply in the slow work of God that will make all things right in God’s own time. The parable of the mustard seed and the leaven shows that something quite small can have a very large effect. Our God, while doing great and magnificent things, is also the God of small things! Some of the greatest saints had humble beginnings and spent their lives doing ‘little’ things. The kingdom of God is really like a mustard seed or a pinch of yeast.
Fr Tony Kayala
World Youth Day 2023 1-6 August
The more than 3000 Australian pilgrims who will attend World Youth Day in Portugal have started leaving the country, with groups also preparing to visit key holy sites in the Middle East and Europe.
The Australian contingent is one of the largest to ever attend an international World Youth Day, with the Archdiocese of Sydney and Melbourne each taking more than 500 pilgrims.
Our best wishes go with those from the St Mary's Parish who are part of this exciting adventure.
School Closure Day
Student free day
On Monday the 31st July we will be having a student free day.
Staff will be taking the day as an opportunity to work on New Pedagogies for Deep Learning across the whole school.
The day will also look at strategies for teaching the Religious Education curriculum at St Mary's
Please mark this day in your Diary
100 Days of School for the Foundation Class
Congratulations to the Foundation clildren on this important milestone.
Parents and Grandparents Mass
All parents and grandparents are invited to join our Mass on Wednesday 26th July at 9:15am to celebrate the Feast of Joachim and Anne. St. Anne and Joachim are the parents of Mary and grandparents of Jesus. We would like to share this special occasion with you at Mass followed by an invitation for our special guests to come into the classroom with the children and join in a morning of Maths games and activities with the children.
We look forward to seeing our Grandparents there (parents are also welcome!!)
2024 enrolments
We look forward to welcoming all new 2024 Foundation students next year but don’t forget to enrol first. If you’re wishing to enrol your child next year, enrolling early really supports our school wide planning for the best possible start for our young people. The more info we have about 2024, the better planned we can be. If you have new neighbours with kids, make sure you encourage them to join our school!
Sacraments at St Mary’s for 2023
PLEASE NOTE the dates for the Sacraments at St Mary’s This year:
- 1st Reconciliation: Grade 3 and upwards on Thursday 10th August at 6.00pm
- 1st Holy Communion: Grade 4 and upwards on Sunday 10th September at 10.30am Mass.
- Confirmation: Grade 6 and upwards: on Sunday 12th November at 10.30am Mass
We welcome all the children and their families to celebrate these Sacraments with us this year!