Ongoing school fundraisers
Dress up day - National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day
Week 4, Friday 4th August is National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day and the SRC is excited about this being a dress up fundraising day (in red, black, yellow, green, blue and/or white). Fundraising efforts this year will go toward a future installation of an indigenous mural in the school.
Foodworks Reward Program
Everyone shops at Foodworks in Were St, it is easy and convenient. Now it can be rewarding as well. Next time you are in Foodworks simply ask for a Rewards Club Card at checkout and then register the card online at home. You then nominate the percentage of points you want to go to the school by selecting Montmorency Primary School as the receiver.
Then every time you go shopping at any Foodworks, remember to have your Club Card scanned. You can see how many points you have earnt at the bottom of your receipt.
The school is rewarded with a cheque or Foodworks vouchers which we then use as raffle prizes.