Grade 2 Students 

Celebrating our terrific Twos!


In reading, we have learned to ask and answer questions before, during and after we read. This strategy increases comprehension by encouraging readers to review essential points in the text, evaluate the quality of the text, make connections and refine predictions. In writing, we have started the term learning about procedural texts - text that provides the reader with a set of instructions. We have enjoyed creating procedures such as ‘How to Potty Train Your Monster’ and 'How to Make a Paper Plate Monster' 

Josie B
Josie B
Josie B
Josie B
Josie B
Josie B
Josie B
Josie B
Leila L
Leila L


In Week 1, we revisited colour and number patterns and practiced skip counting forwards and backward from non-zero starting points. We have started out the multiplication unit and are exploring multiplication and division concepts like ‘groups of’ and ‘equal groups’ and ‘repeated addition and subtraction’.  

Sophie B
Sophie B
Mila C
Mila C

Respectful Relationships:

As part of the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR) program this Term the focus is on stress management and help-seeking strategies. This includes lessons that help us identify and describe personal coping skills and explain how these contribute to family and school life, as well as discuss the ways we can use self-calming strategies to manage stressful situations.

Will E
Will E