Library News

Mrs Heather Vassila

It has been another fantastic term of library. Thank you to all the children who have borrowed and enjoyed reading all our amazing books. Thank you to the children who come to the library at lunchtimes to enjoy our amazing facilities. Thank you to the children who come to help on Monday and Tuesday lunch times. The help is so appreciated and keeps our library neat and tidy.


Each day our library is a hive of activity with the buzzing of children enjoying all that we offer. Please continue to come and enjoy this amazing space.

Holiday Borrowing

Children can borrow extra books in the holidays. A great book can keep children occupied for many hours.


Please ensure that your children have returned all their books this week so they will be able to borrow for the holidays.


If children forget their books on Monday, they can still bring them back and come to the library at lunch time or before or after school, Monday or Tuesday, to borrow.


Please also remember that by logging into Oliver/Orbit Library children can access World Book Online and World Book ebooks. Children can also borrow ebooks on the Oliver/Orbit library system.


Happy holiday reading!


Mrs Vassila - Teacher Librarian