Spotlight on Learning

Stage 1

1P have enjoyed learning and participating in many activities and lessons this term. 


We have been typing a class book about The Gruffalo in the computer lab and 1P are improving their typing skills. 

1P especially enjoy art time and they have been learning about Aboriginal symbols in artworks and the photos show some of their works in progress. 

In Mathematics 1P have been learning what an array is and they use counters to display different arrays. 

Gymnastics has been an enjoyable part of our Friday's this term and 1P have learnt new skills in this time. 

1P have enjoyed our time reading to each other and also reading to parents as well. 1P have learnt a lot of "tricky" words which makes it easier to read. 

Mrs Prince - 1P Classroom Teacher

Stage 2

We are thrilled to share the highlights of our unforgettable day at Clifton Garden Mosman on the 19th of June (Week 9). The excitement was palpable as our students embarked on an adventure filled with learning and exploration.


To kickstart the day, we had the pleasure of meeting the knowledgeable rangers and getting up close with native Australian animals. It was a fantastic opportunity for our students to deepen their understanding of the local wildlife and their habitats.

Divided into groups, the students enthusiastically participated in various activities throughout the day. One of the highlights was the construction of habitats for penguins and turtles, right along the picturesque, crystal-clear beach. Witnessing the students' creativity and dedication was truly inspiring.


As part of the experience, students had the chance to try their hand at fishing using the traditional hand reel method. Although no fish were caught on this occasion, the students showcased great teamwork and resilience, embracing the joy of the journey rather than focusing solely on the outcome.

The final session of the day was when our students were exposed to the detrimental effects of man-made products on the ocean and its precious marine life. They gained a profound understanding of how items like soaps, detergents, soft plastics, and paints can harm the delicate ecosystem. This eye-opening lesson instilled a deep sense of respect and responsibility towards nature in our students.

We would like to extend a special shout-out to the Stage 2 parents for their assistance in ensuring the safety and success of our students throughout the day. Your support is truly appreciated!

Mr So - 3S Classroom Teacher

Stage 3

5C have been learning about literacy concepts, figurative language techniques and more complex themes through reading the novel Boy Overboard by Morris Gleitzman and completing literacy activities using the Orbit School Magazine stories. Students have been engaged in the riveting text, eager to find out how the story will conclude and identifying techniques used by the author to influence the reader’s emotions. 

In mathematics, Year 5 students have been learning about decimal place value system and using the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to solve decimal problems. We have enjoyed participating in warm-up activities where students play decimal games and demonstrate their creativity by using different strategies to solve problems. 

In Visual Arts, 5C have examined Indigenous Australian art works and the inspiration behind them. Mrs Dong has taken 5C students to collect materials found in the school environment playground. Students have used this to create their own works with a focus on connections to memories and places that are significant to them. Here are some examples of the artworks created. 

5C students have goals they set and work towards achieving. Here are some examples of goals achieved in literacy and mathematics.

Year 6 and SRC had a successful fundraiser for our Jersey Day, raising funds to purchase a Year 6 gift to the school at the end of the year. Students came in their sport jerseys and enjoyed sipping on their lemonade spiders. The match was a close one between the teachers and year 6 students, with the game ending 4-3 in favour of the teachers. Well done to everyone involved and thank you for your support with our fundraiser.

It has been a wonderful term of learning for all Stage 3 classes. We wish our students and families a happy, relaxing and safe holiday break.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Mr Chong - Stage 3 Assistant Principal