Deutsche Ecke

R-2, 4/5     Libby Edwards

Yrs 3-6      Emma Chesterman 

Der Schulanfang - 100 Tage in der Schule

In Reception, we are learning about German traditions and we are celebrating starting school.  It is interesting learning about what they do in German schools.  In Germany, children start school when they are six years old. On their first day of school German children receive a special gift.  It is called eine Schultüte.  It is a cone shaped gift often made by families filled with stationery supplies and treats to celebrate the milestone of starting school.  This is very special in Germany.


We think this would be very exciting if you lived in Germany, so we decided to make this a tradition at LNPS too because we learn German. Our Year 6 students will remember when they were in Reception and they were excited to receive their Schultüten.  AS SEniors this year, they have worked very hard to create unique Schultüten as gifts for their Reception buddies.  They are FANTASTISCH! There are some photos below which give you a sneak peek into the 2023 Fisher Schultueten factory. On Friday we will have a special assembly.  This has become an exciting tradition for us at LNPS and one we look forward to every year at the end of Term 2.  We chose this time as it ties in with our Reception Students celebrating 100 days at school


We hope that our Reception students will LOVE these special gifts knowing that they have been made with great care and pride.  


This is our way to say -  Welcome to our school and congratulations on your great start!

Wir gratulieren dich!   CONGRATULATIONS!


Wir freuen uns, dass du da bist! 

We are happy to have you at LNPS.


Frau Edwards und Frau Chesterman