Wellbeing & Engagement

Nik Skrob 

Assistant Principal 

Wellbeing and Learning Support

Managing Screen Time during the Holidays

The end of term 2 is fast approaching and holidays are just around the corner. You may be wondering about how to balance screen time for your child, so that they are engaging in other activities during the holidays. 


Please read further below to access information regarding how to manage screen time for your child during the school holidays as advised by professionals on SchoolTV. 


'Many parents have reported excessive screen time as the number one health concern affecting kids, especially now in the hyperconnected world we live in. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends that there should be no screen time at all for children under two, less than an hour a day for children aged from two to five, and less than two hours for five to 17 year olds. However, these guidelines have been disputed by experts and often ignored by families. 


Parents must play an important role in modelling a positive approach to using screens, and assisting children to navigate the content they access.' - SchoolTV





Please access the Managing Screen Time topic on the SchoolTV platform, where you will find information to support you in managing your child's screen time these holidays. 


I hope that you have a lovely and safe school break and I look forward to seeing every one return in term 3 for another busy term. 

Introduction to Regulation

Our Local Education Office haveput together an online course called: Introduction to Regulation to support parents to: 

  • understand regulation 
  • develop a knowledge and understanding about how to respond to your child's big feelings

The online course may take 1 hour to complete and does not need to be completed all at once. 

Please click on this link to access the online course.