Year 9 Wilderness Camp

Perhaps the Bogong High Plains were absolutely the best place to be in March as Australia went into lockdown. 

Lisa Sacristani - Head of Junior Secondary


‘It’s a good thing to have all the props pulled out from under us occasionally. It gives us some sense of what is rock under our feet,

and what is sand.’

Madeleine L’Engle


As adults we know only too well that character is usually formed in the hard places. To find rock or sand is not about success or failure, but instead serves as a reminder of that which we need to celebrate or refine. Wilderness Camp has been carefully crafted over many years to help our students find their rock and sand. For some, the mental challenge of getting on that bus is real. For others, it’s physical, emotional or it’s simply a longing for home that makes it hard. Some are excited and meet the challenge head on with enthusiasm that is boundless. Whatever place they start from we, as teachers, are tasked with helping to guide them towards a greater understanding of their strengths and weaknesses and to give them the opportunity to look up and around and feel their smallness in God’s beautiful creation.

This year, more than any other, the idea of being in the Wilderness was an incredible gift. As we sat on the brink of distance learning, due to Covid-19, the need for students to get out of the city and into creation was even more pronounced. The weather this year served us well and so with clear skies and dry days the Year 9s hiked and climbed and built relationships in the Bogong High Plains.


Dehydrated food was eaten, and campfire stories told. They were given the space to be silent and reflect on God’s marvel and mystery in this world, a timely reminder that their corner of the world is very small, and their God is very big!


They returned to a different world. One that had cancelled their weekend activities and asked them to isolate. The opportunity to be in open space and away from the chaos that was ensuing was well received. I am incredibly grateful for the hard work of Rachel Arsenis (Year 9 Coordinator) and Jonathan Goodluck (Integrated Experiences Coordinator) in making this year’s trip possible.


Thank you to all the staff for taking a week away from their families to serve our Year 9s.