And Finally...

Some ways to keep in touch.

Donvale Christian College has a monthly podcast, The Joseph Network, hosted by Executive Principal, Tim Argall, with guests from many walks of life - athletes, authors, physicists, survivors, entrepreneurs, to name but a few. About 20 minutes long, each one is a conversation  focusing on issues of justice, mercy, and walking humbly with God. And telling great stories, too.


You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Google Podcasts.

We have a new "virtual tours" page on our website - check it out and see how much the school has changed and where we're headed in the future.


Our grounds might look a lot different from what you remember but our heart for our students remains the same.

Find us on Facebook for community news - both serious and not so serious.


Currently there's the Donvale Daily - a commitment to read the Bible aloud every morning on each school day  while we're in lockdown.

And we'd really love to hear from you! Your stories matter - to us, to other alumni - and your experiences in life since leaving Donvale may, just may, be exactly what someone else needs to read. You don't know that - but God sure does! 


Visit the alumni page on our website where you can update contact details, or email us through