Never Stand Still

Two important building projects now under way.

Tim Dehn - Community Relations Manager


Work has started in earnest this month on our biggest project to date: a Community Hub, an exciting state-of-the-art multi-purpose facility. It will provide for a variety of  indoor sports and feature a multipurpose hall for assemblies, performances and creative arts. 


Most of the old, familiar portables from down the hill have been relocated up beside the middle oval and given much more than a face-lift in the process. Major infrastructure upgrades were also completed in preparation for building to start this month.


This video gives you an idea of how it will look when it is completed next year:

A New Year 9 Centre

Just a few minutes' drive from our Tindals Road campus, at 64 Hall Road, Warrandyte South, we're constructing our new Year 9 Centre. We purchased the property from Youth Dimension at the end of 2018, and after more than a year of careful planning and consultation we have begun the work to re-purpose the site. Over to you, Year 9s of 2021! 


Watch the video below to understand our vision for this project.