Dutch Dreamers

Recognising the life of one of our founders, Johanna 'Ann' Suk, published in the February edition of Networks.


Beulah McCulloch - Secondary Teacher


As a community we are saddened to hear of the passing of one of our original founders, Johanna 'Ann' Suk late last year. She was a remarkable woman who, along with many other Dutch Reformed families, sacrificed a great deal to establish Donvale Christian School, as it was originally known. 


Ann had been an instrumental figure in the earliest days of our school’s formation, when it was little more than a dream some ten years before the first students walked into class. She was part of the founding committee which worked tirelessly to establish a parent-controlled Christian school, later serving as one of the few female members of the earliest board. She was also heavily involved in every fund-raising event, from hosting numerous barbeques at her home to running flower stalls, fetes and even walkathons.


Reflecting years later on how the school was begun, Ann said, “We trusted very much the way the Lord was directing us.  That was very important. . .  none of us could have done it without the help of the Lord.”


Ann’s involvement in these fledgling years was selfless. Her own children were too old to attend the school when it eventually  opened in 1975, but with great pride she was able to see her grandchildren experience what she and others had had a vision for - a Christ-centred education.


We give thanks to God for the life of Johanna 'Ann' Suk, a faithful servant of the Lord, for her dedication, love and devotion to the dream.

The works of his hands are faithful and just; all his precepts are trustworthy. They are established for ever and ever, enacted in faithfulness and uprightness. He provided redemption for his people; he ordained his covenant forever - holy and awesome is his name.

Psalm 111: 7-9