Welcome to our New Alumni Magazine

It’s about Donvale now and it’s about Donvale then. And it’s about where you, our alumni, are acting justly, loving mercy and walking humbly.


Tim Dehn - Community Relations Manager


You’re receiving this magazine because you’re a former student or a former staff member for whom we have an e-mail address. You can unsubscribe at any time through the link below, you can contact us through alumni@donvale.vic.edu.au and, naturally, you’re free to share this publication with other Donvale alumni who may not have seen it.


Late last year we ran a survey among our alumni to find out how often, and in what form, you would like to hear news of your old school. A substantial majority indicated that once a semester would be appropriate, so we’ll aim for publication around mid-year and at the end of the year.


So, what’s in it?


First – news and reflections from  the last six months at Donvale Christian College, chiefly based on articles previously published in our internal eMagazine Networks, but specially written as appropriate. Don't miss From Doubt Comes Glory, an Easter reflection from our head of Christian Foundations, Viv Stapleton.


Second – occasional stories by or about alumni – in this first edition we’ve a very moving account of what it was like to be evacuated from the Victorian seaside town of Mallacoota during last summer’s bushfires. It's called Sorry We Had to Leave.


Third – events planned or past which are of general interest. At the moment, for obvious reasons at a school in Melbourne, there are no events of any description definitely scheduled. There are some reunions proposed for Term 4: whether they happen will clearly depend on public health directives.


Finally – you are invited to comment on or contribute to this magazine. It’s not intended to be a one-way street! Here’s the contact email: alumni@donvale.vic.edu.au – I look forward to hearing from you.