Year 11 and 12 Update 

Welcome Back

It was such a relief on Tuesday to see our year 11 and 12 students return to school.  Schools are such quiet places without them.  We had an excellent start to the day with everyone being in high spirits and keen to catch up.  Each class focused on discussing what the remote learning experience had been like and teachers had a really good opportunity to find our where students had got up to with their learning.


Teachers were pleased that so many students were positive about their progress and what they had achieved and the new insights they had into how they learn.   The feeling is that with the changes to the Unit 4 study designs and the extended time frame for Unit 3 and 4 we are in a very good place for getting the most out of the year.

Out of Iso Theme Day

On Monday June 1st the social committee is organising an Out of Iso theme day to celebrate being back at school.  Year 11 and 12 students and staff will come in their iso clothes.  There will be a series of events at lunchtime including a (free) sausage sizzle.  

Master Classes

In making the transition from remote learning back to face to face we will be offering a series of Master Classes for students during Learning Mentor time. Teachers will be developing classes around areas of the curriculum covered in remote learning that students would like to consolidate.


All year 11 and 12 students have been given the opportunity to sign up for masterclasses across a wide range of subjects.  Alternatively students will be able to use the time to work in study groups or on private independent study.


Year 12:  As most people already know we have the new dates for the Year 12 exams.  These will begin on November 9 and run until December 2 As a result of the new dates the final day of classes for year 12 will be October 30.  This will be followed by a one week study vacation.  We are still waiting on the final timetable for exams and will make this available asap.


Year 11:  We will not be rescheduling the semester 1, Year 11 exams that were cancelled as a result of remote learning.  However, they will be going ahead at  the end of semester 2.  These are planned for the 20 November to the 27 November.  Following the exams the Year 11 students will be doing a 2 day Step Up Program.  


The GAT will be in term 3 on Wednesday September 9.  This is compulsory for all Unit 3 and 4 students regardless of whether they are in year 11 or 12. 

Spring Masquerade Ball

We initially had a booking for the Valedictory dinner on Friday October 29 at The Grand on Cathies Lane.  Given the disruption to the year and the loss of so many key event for our year 11 and 12 students we are keeping this booking to run a Spring Masquerade Ball.  This of course will be subject to COVID restrictions.  It won't be the same as the formal and Pres Balls, but perhaps we will start a new tradition.  Further information will be coming as soon as we have more information about social restrictions.

Valedictory Dinner

Luckily we have managed to secure a booking for the Valedictory Dinner on December 2 at The Grand in Cathies Lane. As with the above event this will be subject to social restrictions.  We ask that year 12 students don't rebook their schoolies until after this date. 


Catherine Ford and the Later Years Team