Education in Faith

‘I shall ask the Father and he will give you another Advocate.’ 

John 14: 15–21


At the Last Supper Jesus told his apostles he would be leaving them to return to the Father. In this week’s Gospel, he reassures them and us that we will not be alone. The Holy Spirit was sent to the disciples and is with each of us as a special helper and friend until Jesus returns to us. In the meantime, we continue to show our love for Jesus by following his commandments.


When children are orphaned, they often hold on to something to remind them of whose they are. Orphan Annie had a half of a locket, Oliver Twist had a letter, and some victims of the holocaust had smuggled photographs. Even without the physical presence of their parents, orphaned children very much felt connected to their parents. This is the image Jesus gives us in the Gospel as well. He explains that it is the Holy Spirit that is with us and helps us know we are God's. It is this Spirit that guides us to live the way God wants us to. The Spirit comes to us in a special way at our baptism and guides us, even to our surprise sometimes, and helps us follow the commandments of God.


For many of us, we know that the wind is a symbol of the Spirit. This weekend, walk outside and feel the wind. Is it a gentle breeze or is it gusting? Think about why the wind is considered a symbol of the Holy Spirit. As the Holy Spirit leads us and guides us like the wind, are we gently moved or sometimes does it take a hurricane wind to get us moving? Think of some things your family has been guided to do by the Holy Spirit. Also, consider some things the Spirit might be calling you to presently.

“A kind gesture can

reach a wound that only

compassion can heal.”



St Kevin's Catholic Parish, Hampton Park

Masses are online. You can access Masses via the St Kevin's Catholic Parish, Hampton Park Facebook page. Click here.

Pastoral letter from the Bishops of Victoria

The Bishops of Victoria have released a pastoral letter with information regarding the reopening of churches in Victoria.



Elisabetta Micallef

Religious Education Leader (REL)