Music News

All Instrumental Music classes and Ensemble rehearsals restarted
It is fantastic to have all students back at school and to hear everybody enjoying playing music together again. All large ensembles rehearsals have been moved into larger spaces to give everyone more room. Our choirs, string ensembles and guitar ensembles are all enjoying rehearsing in the Performing Arts Centre.
Victorian School Music Festival (VSMF)
The annual Victorian School Music Festival this year will be held online this year. Ensembles will be recording their performances. The following ensembles are currently preparing to record their pieces for the festival: Ellington and Fitzgerald Bands and Intermediate Strings.
A.M.E.B (Australian Music Examination Board)
Each year the College enters a number of students for Australian Music Examination Board exams on their chosen instrument. These exams give students a valuable experience in preparing and presenting a musical program in a formal setting. The A.M.E.B exams are not held at Viewbank College but are usually held at 259 Auburn Rd, Hawthorn. Students will need to make their own way to and from the exam. Exams can be scheduled on any day between the dates below, (Monday-Sunday) between the hours of 9am and 6pm, except on public holidays.
Any students wishing to enter for A.M.E.B exams should speak to their instrumental music teacher before enrolling. These external exams give students a goal to work towards and are an experience that enhances their playing/singing skills immensely. Enrolment forms are available from the Music Office.
The relevant dates are as follows:
Final date for enrolment | Exam Dates |
5th session: Wednesday 24th July | Between 5th October - 15th November |
Sarah Williams
Director of Music