Vision for Teaching and Learning at St Mary MacKillop College - a statement that drives the development of a high performance learning culture at SMMC


At St Mary MacKillop College we have high expectations of our students as we equip them with the knowledge, skills and dispositions for lifelong learning. We pursue excellence through a teaching and learning environment that is inclusive, engaging and encourages growth. We value collaboration, innovation and building strong relationships.


Spring is certainly in the air! A new season brings the hope of new possibilities. While there is still a long way to go in this pandemic, we will prevail through with our combined strength in hope and spirit. I love this time of the year when the days are getting warmer and longer. In September we also celebrated Father’s Day. I hope the fathers in our community had a wonderful day. This year is the ‘Year of St Joseph’, and I pray that the fathers of today draw from the example of St Joseph who loved, cared for and protected Jesus and Mary.


The last week of the term brings to a close the term’s learning. Congratulations to our students on their agility and determination to maintain a high standard of learning across the term. Our students are the heartbeat of our school, and it was great to welcome our Year 12s back to school last Friday. The resilience of our VCE and VCAL students is something to be admired and of which to be proud of. In arguably the most important term of the year for our senior students, the last thing we needed was to move back to online learning, but the way our students have attended their classes through Google Meet, engaged in their learning, reached out to their teachers and consistently put in their personal best is something to be praised.


During our time of online learning, we miss our students interacting with each other and their teachers on site every day, along with all the energy they bring to school. Even though we have been able to connect with our students and colleagues online, nothing beats being able to see each other in person. We know that connections promote wellbeing, and wellbeing and connections promote effective learning. All of this is very important at this time.


I wish everyone in our community a relaxing and safe holiday break. I hope we are able to enjoy a change of pace and some extended time away from our computer screens to relax and recharge.



General Achievement Test (GAT) 

We have been informed that the GAT will now be held on Tuesday 5 October from 10.00am to 1.15pm. This is subject to public health advice and epidemiological conditions. All students studying a Unit 3/4 subject are required to complete the GAT.


Trial Exams and Exam Preparation

The first week of the upcoming holiday break provides an opportunity for students to rest and recharge away from their computer screens and also to organise the notes and summaries they have made for their Unit 3/4 subjects, as well as reread novels and texts. This targeted preparation is the foundation for the trial exams that will start in Week 2 of the holidays.


In preparation for the VCE exam period in October and November, all students studying a Unit 3/4 subject will complete trial exams during the September holiday break, from Monday 27 September to Wednesday 29 September. These exams provide an opportunity for students to experience the same exam conditions as they will for their actual exams. The trial exams help to identify areas of strength and areas that require focus in the lead up to the VCE exams and provide practice in time management. I wish our students all the best as they prepare for their exams. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. We ask parents to support their child to approach their trial exams with determination and commitment.


It is important to keep in mind the following as you prepare for your exams:

  • Be organised and prepare early rather than later. The more organised you are will assist in achieving success in your exams.
  • Prepare a study plan and routine. Make sure you have given yourself enough time to study for the exam. Studying in small blocks of time on a regular basis is more effective than revising once a week for a subject.
  • Organise a study space away from distractions (turn off your phone and the television).
  • Take regular breaks to recharge.
  • Study with a group of friends if that works for you, but make sure you remain focused.
  • Complete practice exams if available.
  • Actively seek feedback from your teachers when there is something you still need to clarify.
  • If you catch the bus to or from school, make use of that time to review your notes or cue cards.
  • Using online sites such as Quizlet might be useful for creating flashcards.
  • Approach your studies with a growth mindset. We know there are times for all of us when we face challenges, but if we approach things with a growth mindset then we are more likely to succeed.

When it comes to revising for exams (and SACs for that matter!), variety makes learning fun. I encourage our students to be innovative in the way they study for their exams. You might consider some of the following:

  • Use a mini whiteboard to test yourself.
  • Use the voice record function on your phone and record responses to questions or summaries you can listen to later.
  • Handwrite flashcards (or create them on Quizlet) and test yourself as you walk around the block – exercise and study at the same time!
  • Find some chalk and brainstorm a response to a question on the driveway at home.

When our VCE/VCAL students return in Term 4, they only have a couple of weeks of their secondary schooling left and they need to maintain their focus to achieve their personal best in their final SACs and end-of-year exams. This year has no doubt continued to be a very challenging year; however, our staff are committed to supporting our VCE/VCAL students in achieving their academic goals for 2021.


Recently The Hon James Merlino MP, Deputy Premier, Minister for Education, Minister for Mental Health, wrote a letter to all Year 12 students. The letter can be found here.



As a way to assist our students prepare for the end of year exams, we have organised for them to access through EdUnlimited the online ATAR Notes and NEAP Revision Guides/practice exams for the following Unit 3/4 subjects:




Business Management



Further Maths

Health and Human Development

Legal Studies


Maths Methods

Physical Education




Students have received an email from EdUnlimited with information on how to access the resources. We hope these resources will be useful for our students as they prepare for their end-of-year exams. 


Australian Reading Hour

Throughout the year I have written in the newsletter about our commitment to literacy. Tuesday 14 September was Australian Reading Hour. The following is from the Australian Reading Hour website ( 


Australian Reading Hour 2021 celebrates the stories that matter and explores the role of storytelling in transforming lives and shaping our sense of identity, belonging and understanding – as individuals and as a nation.


Originally launched by Australian libraries and library associations for the National Year of Reading in 2012, the Australian Reading Hour began as an event for all Australians to set aside one hour on one day to read – whatever they wanted, wherever they were located, and however they chose to read.


The holidays provide a perfect opportunity to step away from the computer screen and read a book. Perhaps sit outside in the warm spring sun and read. Happy reading!


Student Reflections on their Learning during Term 3

Recently I sent a survey to our students and asked them to reflect on their learning during Term 3. Here are some of their responses:


The highlight of my learning for Term 3 was...

  • Having my Food Tech class and being able to cook new things
  • Getting 100% on a Math test
  • PJ day
  • Getting back to school for hopefully the last week and a bit
  • Getting to do schooling in a different environment

What I enjoyed most about remote learning was...

  • Self-directed time
  • Being able to listen to music and focusing more
  • Still being able to see friends online and spending time with my family at home
  • Sitting outside in the nice weather

What I found challenging about remote learning was...

  • Concentrating
  • Getting motivated some days
  • Not seeing or talking to my friends

What I miss the most about school is...

  • Spending time with friends and being around people
  • Seeing my friends and teachers

Unit 3/4 Practice Exam Timetable