
Our Japanese Language Assistant
In a year when we couldn’t go to Japan, we were able to have a piece of Japan with us in the form of Ayako Woollan, our amazingly awesome Japanese language assistant.
Ayako worked in particular with the VCE students to improve their ability to speak Japanese. She ran individual speaking practice sessions, even during lockdown via Webex.
Ayako prepared interesting engaging resources for the students (and senseis!). These were particularly useful for the Year 12 students’ discussion topic.
Ayako also helped the Year 7 Accelerated Japanese class in their first year of Nihongo studies. This will remain as an awesome introduction with them always.
Most importantly, Ayako became a part of our こころ(spirit). She has to move on to other schools next year, but she will always stay with us through her resources, and her friendship.
Kanji for 'like'
It was a ghoulish group of Year 7s who returned from remote learning to face to face Japanese classes. Harry Potter, a masked mystery man, and an assortment of other Halloween themed students remembered how to ‘write’ the kanji for ‘like’ in Japanese using what they could find in A Block Courtyard. It was altogether an awesome return to Fairhills with a Halloween out of uniform day to welcome them back.
Jessica Winstone
Languages Coordinator