Student Excellence

Congratulations to the following students who have been recognised for their dedication and commitment to their learning and school values:
Nominated by Jennifer Oliver for Chemistry
- Regina Lu (Year 11) - for taking up the opportunity to get extra Chemistry help after school each Friday
- Maya Kutlacha (Year 11) - for taking up the opportunity to get extra Chemistry help after school each Friday
Nominated by Jessica Winstone for Japanese
- Heath Jarry (Year 7) - for being able to write a VCE level kanji for days of the week in a test. Heath also opens the door for students and staff every lesson
- Zach Harrison (Year 7) - for being able to write a VCE level kanji for days of the week in a test
Nominated by the General Office
- Dakota Phillips, Te Kahuirangi (TK) Houpapa, Jasmine Dang (Year 11) - for volunteering their time to design the Year 12 Garment and to present it to the Senior Leadership Team.