
As our students returned to school, the wellbeing team were ready to welcome them back. Each of the year levels came back to wellbeing sessions which included fun sessions to help reconnect, adjust to school routine, and break the ice of being inside classrooms again. The feedback was very positive, so much so that our Year 11s requested a session as well. The days also include yummy prizes and hot chocolate for everyone!
Now that we have returned to on-site learning, the LGBTQIA+ peer support group runs sessions in the Wellbeing Centre on Tuesday lunchtimes. The group has been working with Mel Miller (one of our social workers) to identify areas they would like to learn more about, including gender and sexuality, identity, and strengths. Thank you, Mel, for facilitating such informative and amazing sessions.
November also saw the launch of the Healthy Minds, Healthy Lives group. The lunchtime group opened to students across all year levels to give advice on improving mental health by giving tips and tools to manage anxiety and stress to live a healthier life. Topics cover mental health, mindfulness practices to assist in feeling more connected to yourself and improve your ability to cope in stressful situations as well as tips and tools for managing stress and anxiety, and the importance of sleep, exercise and good nutrition. Amanda Wiggs (one of our social workers) is facilitating this fantastic program. The group will be running fortnightly sessions on Thursday lunchtimes in the Wellbeing Centre - details will be posted on Compass.
A reminder that our Breakfast Club is running again daily from 8-8.30am and is open to all students and staff. There is a range of healthy brekkie options each day catering to all dietary requirements. Our amazing volunteers follow all the DET COVID guidelines to ensure the safety of the school community.
“Resilience means you experience, you feel, you fail, you hurt. You fall. But, you keep going.”
- Yasmin Mogahed
Amal Saleh-Zada
Student Wellbeing Coordinator
Mental Health Month
During October, we celebrated Mental Health Month in Australia. Given the current challenges, the theme for this year’s national campaign was: “Look after yourself Australia- Look Up, Look Out, Look Forward!” The focus revolved around making a promise to do something positive for our health and wellbeing, and promise is a way of committing to something and helping to prioritise it. No matter how small.
Thank you to everyone who participated and took a step closer to making their mental health a priority and looking after their health and wellbeing. As a reminder, below are some ideas for promises that students and families can make.
Peta Cartwright
Mental Health Practitioner
Accessing Support through Wellbeing
The Wellbeing team can assist students in accessing the support they need to navigate challenges that may impact their ability to engage in learning or general feelings of wellbeing. This may include an initial assessment of need with the student and/or family, short term counselling or skills development or referrals to external support agencies. Students may also be encouraged to access self-help strategies or resources. We will explore the best options for each student.
We encourage students and/or parents to contact the year level coordinators for wellbeing referrals. You can also make an appointment with someone from the Wellbeing Team by attending the Wellbeing Centre or contacting us via email at wellbeing@fairhillshs.vic.edu.au
Teachers who have concerns about a student may also refer them to the Wellbeing Team through their Year Level Coordinator.
If you or anyone you know needs immediate support, please get in touch with kidshelpline or lifeline on the numbers at the bottom of this page.
Student Wellbeing Team
Student Wellbeing Coordinator - Amal Saleh-Zada
Chaplain – Stewart McCartney
Mental Health Practitioner - Peta Cartwright
Headspace Psychologist - Tashena Perry
Student Support Services Psychologist - Emily Habard