Junior School news

We are finally back at school!
Congratulations to all Junior School students for making it through what has been approximately 59 days of remote learning since February this year! It hasn’t been easy, but it is nice to have the students back at school, seeing their friends and teachers for their final weeks of year 7 and 8. There were a lot of students who were excited to be physically back in the classroom but also many students who were quite nervous about this experience which is completely understandable given the situation they have all faced this year. The focus for the rest of this term is to support their wellbeing, learning, connection with peers and their transition back to school. We ask students to reach out to their Student Manager if they feel they would like some additional support during this time.
Lunchtime Kahoot
Last week we held our final lunchtime Kahoot! We have run lunchtime kahoots each week while the students have been remote learning as a way for them to connect with some of their peers and have some fun!
Tuesday 19 October was a Kahoot on “The Avengers.” There were a lot of students who participated in this Kahoot, so it came down to who was the fastest in answering the questions. Congratulations fo Emily Gough (Kenny - 8A) on winning this week, followed by Mahdis Soroush (Mackellar - 8B) and Talia O’Quely (Mackellar - 7F).
Emma Holman
Director of Junior School