Aerobics sponsorship

Help us to keep kicking and jumping
The Aerobics program is developing and expanding each year. It now provides students with access to a variety of different levels, singles, pairs and teams. We had over 90 students enrolled in the program in 2021. This year alone, we received three gold, a silver and two gold medals at the state finals and two silver and one bronze medal at the National finals. Our success at competitions in the last few years has been due to the dedication and expertise of the coaches which help to guide and support the students to achieve their goals.
Aerobics is a competition sport which involves tuition, costumes, entry fees and travel. These costs can be difficult for parents and students and can at times prevent students becoming involved in the program or engaging in different parts of it.
We are looking for some terrific sponsors to help provide some students with scholarships as well as provide financial support for the additional parts of the program including team T-shirts, hoodies and travel to Queensland for National finals.
Your sponsorship will be visible to the aerobics and wider MGSC community and there will be several options to choose from based on your level of involvement. This could include advertising in the newsletter, on the electronic screen on the corner of Charman and Balcombe Roads and your business logo on our hoodies or T-shirts.
Interested and want to know more.? Please contact the Program Coordinator, Tess Molina:
Tess Molina
Aerobics Program Coordinator