Principal's message

Dear MGSC Community
What an exciting couple of school weeks we have had at MGSC! The final day of classes for our Year 12 students with a dress-up day to signify this important right of passage are now a memory. Whilst there was no final whole school assembly, the girls arrived at school with their costumes on and had a final online assembly towards the end of period 4 that day. You can see photos from this day on our socials pages. Please add MGSC to your Facebook and Instagram feed.
On the Wednesday of the same week, the Senior School Team comprising of Sylvia Christopoulos, Tess Molina and Clare Selir joined myself and the College Co-captains, Nisha Makam and Lily West and our SRC Captain Mia Evans to film the speeches for the virtual Valedictory event.
Although the formal classes for our Year 12 students have finished, they have continued to come to school to catch up with their teachers and undertake private study. As I write this message the first exam for Year 12s has occurred - this was the English Exam. I wish them all the very best in all of their exams to come.
Returning to onsite learning
It was very exciting to welcome the Year 7s, 10s and 11s back last Friday. In my wanderings around the yard there was a positive energy and I was pleased to see that the students were enjoying catching up with their friends. This week we have welcomed back our Year 8 and 9 students and it is lovely to see them all again as well.
Next week will be even more exciting with the bringing forward of the return for all year levels on the 1 November. It is hard to believe that we are almost back to normal full face-to-face teaching. Whilst next Monday is the day before Melbourne Cup Day this is still a normal day for our students and we look forward to them attending their classes on that day.
Teacher accomplishment
Our staff at MGSC are highly accomplished in a range of fields and subject areas. I would like to congratulate one of long-serving English teachers, Anne Gamble, who has just had her work published for The Victorian Association for the Teaching of English (VATE). Anne has written the teaching notes for the paired texts Brooklyn and Reckoning. Anne is well known in the area of English teaching and shares her insights with our VCE English classes each year.
Aerobics program sponsors
Through three lock downs and restrictions on training our Aerobics squad has yet again enjoyed success at the highest level. The program aims to include all enthusiastic athletes. To do this we are seeking sponsors from the wider community to support the program in 2022. Additional funding will provide coaches and resources that will strengthen and expand the program. There is more information in this newsletter.
Take care