Round the classes
Reception / Year 1: Mrs Measday
While most of the school was away at camp we were very busy. To start our “camp” we made papier-mâché bowls. The glue was very slippery but worked well to keep our layers of newspaper in place. It took several days for them to dry thoroughly and this week we will paint them. We will then enter them in the Uraidla Show.
We would like to thank the seniors who organised a mini olympics and a teddy bears picnic. It was beautiful weather to be outside and the events managed to showcase our athletic skills. The picnic under the trees was a perfect way to finish our “ camp” experience.
We are sad to be saying goodbye to Ms. Tasker. She has taught us many things in the time she has been with us and we know she will make a great teacher. We wish her all the best and hope to see her again at our school.
Reception / Year 1: Katie
In Katie's Reception/1 class we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. In literacy we have been starting to write our own narrative stories, and have even had an attempt to publish some of these using the app Book Creator on our ipads. As part of Geography we have been learning about maps, we have learnt about the map of Australia as well as weather maps.
As part of our work with the Kimochis we recently learnt three new characters Hero, Clover and Bella Rose. Each of these have different feelings and different challenges they face every day.
Year 2/3 classes: Stephen and Kelly
With school camp, continuing our learning about the Kaurna people and understanding how to identify our emotions, Stephen's and Kelly's classes have been very busy.
The camp was a great success. It was jam-packed with learning about the Kaurna people, bush tucker, traditional fish cooking, how the Wodli huts were built, aboriginal symbols and painting, and team building games. The students didn't get much time to stop.
The weather was amazing and it was great seeing the year 2/3s work so collaboratively with the year 4/5 class.
Feedback from both Stephen's and Kelly's classes about camp said they all enjoyed learning about the Aboriginal language and how the traditional foods were cooked. They said they will start looking at the bush differently now thanks to Uncle Tamaru.
The camp certainly was a great learning experience.
Year 4/5: Lizzie
What an awesome week we had last week at camp. There were lots of great activities and lots of food. The most interesting part of camp was when the students got to bake a rainbow trout fish in clay in the coals and then eat it. Very cool.
Back at school we have been working on 'bumping up' our narrative writing by writing interesting stories on sky diving and 'Honey I shrunk the kids'. The students' stories have been very entertaining and engaging, with lots of students reading their work out loud to their peers and to the whole class.
Senior class: Sallie
We really enjoyed our time working with the Junior school while the Years 2-5 were on school camp. Running the mini olympics sessions was fun for both big kids and little kids and the weather was perfect! The teddy bears picnic was also really a big highlight to our week. I love the way the younger students hang off every word the older students say, lots of fun and interesting interactions.
We also enjoyed a day of Lightning Carnival on Wednesday last week. We had two netball teams and one basketball team and every student was involved. Although no scores were officially kept, we thought we did pretty well. Thank you to our coaches Jo Cox and Mel Hunter, our umpire Shelley Hunter and our team manager Claire Schroeter.
On Thursday night last week we had our Readers Cup performance night. Our two teams competed against 14 other Hills teams to give their interpretation of the book The Star of Anise. Jane Jolly, the author of the book was here and she really enjoyed all the teams putting their spin on her books. Although we didn't win the overall competition (quiz and performance combined) I thought our teams gave fantastic performances.
Our knockout netballers went off to the netball stadium at Mile End to compete in the finals. They came 4th overall...what a great effort!
Bring on next term for a rest....(actually not really with knockout tennis, school concert, graduation etc etc). Enjoy the break everyone and see you all bright and sparky next term.
Science: Zac
With interruptions to science over the last couple of weeks with camp and other programs, the focus for classes has been finishing up the Earth & Space Sciences topic. Classes have related their learning to real world ideas & explorations.
P/E: Zac
With the weather starting to improve, more lessons have been spent outside. The younger years have revisited different movements and skills from throughout the year. This week the year 6/7 class had volleyball & the R-5 students had a cricket clinic run by SACA.
Indonesian: Ibu Susan
We have been super busy finishing this term’s learning tasks. The older students have demonstrated their understanding with tricky translations and the younger students have been describing how animals can move. The R/1 classes also enjoyed a beautiful picture book called Run Elephant Run that shows all the animals that live in the Indonesian rainforest.
Gardening: Jo
The students have finished off the term in gardening by planting some lettuce, coriander and dill (thank you to Elodie's Mum); usual emptying of food scraps into the compost and then to the kitchen to cook up a storm!
Our key ingredient is honey as our topic this term has been bees. Healthy carrot muffins with a twist .....of honey - were baked and enjoyed!