School News
Festival of Music
I was privileged enough to be in the Festival of Music orchestra this year. I was playing the percussion instruments including the drum kit, glockenspiel, xylophone, anvil, cowbell and others. I got a special occasion because I got to perform at the Entertainment Centre (instead of the Festival Theatre where the Festival of Music is usually held). We got to perform in the arena and the title was “Stars in the arena”. There were about 1300 kids in the choir, 76 in orchestra, 80 in the troop and 3000 audience members each night. There were 4 nights with the choir, 30 minute rehearsals with no choir, 3 hour rehearsals with the choir and 2 hours with the whole show and audience. We started at 12:30pm and finished at 9:00pm. We had two days in a row of performing but Thursday is what’s called a dark day where all the lights are turned off and we get a rest and then Friday and Saturday are back on. Monday was a sound and light check, it was just us, the orchestra. We got little boxes for our dinner and got to hang out for an hour then we tuned the instruments for half an hour.
By Zane
A Note from Emily
What an eventful Term 3 we have had! How are you feeling? Have you been doing things to fill your bucket this term? I invite you now, check in with yourself. What are you feeling in your body right now? What things may be weighing you down? Who are the people around you who can take some of the weight? A study I recently read said that humans need four hugs a day for survival, 8 hugs a day for maintenance and twelve hugs a day for growth. The importance of people around us, our support systems, our loved ones is so vital for our mental wellbeing. What can you do yourself to help take away some of the weight? School holidays can seem like a burden to some and a blessing to others. Are you taking some time out for YOU? I needed to remind myself of this as I was looking at my calendar for the school holidays. I have been so focused on the fact that I can see and catch up with people and on things that I have been pushing aside, that I forgot something so important to do, rest. Having a day, an hour, even ten minutes to do something for ourselves, something that fills our bucket can make a world of difference to our wellbeing. Also being away from bucket tippers, people or things that empty our bucket, often quicker than it can be filled. I find it helpful to look at what I have coming up each week and plan a time for me, a time where I can fill my bucket. Funnily enough, the busier you are, the more bucket-filling time you need. My hope and encouragement for each of you these school holidays are to keep checking in on yourselves, with others around you. What can you do to help you? I look forward to seeing you all back next term. Stay safe and look after yourselves these holidays.
Emily Morgan, Pastoral Care Worker
Hi all - the term has quickly come to an end, which is exciting because that means Vacation Care is upon us! There is still plenty of room this upcoming vac, as we have spots on every day still free! We are doing super fun things (with COVID in mind!) - like dressing up as mermaids or monsters, going to the Burnside Playground and making our own Playdough! Please let us know via the OSHC mobile number if you want to book in!
Also, remember the usual things for Vacation Care: Bring a packed recess and lunch, water bottle, hat and spare change of clothes (for the younger ones).
I just wanted to clarify that we also do breakfast during Vacation Care, just be mindful of timing and let us know if you will need breakfast, so we know what to shop for in preparation. Also, don’t forget the slightly later starting time - at 7:30 am.
Can’t wait to see you all soon,
Uniform Orders
Your child should have brought home the uniform order form today. Please note that orders need to be in by Friday 22 October (Week 2 Term 4).
We should have a sample of a new polo shirt in DriWear fabric ($25) by the start of next term.
Cybersafety evening for families
Cyber Safety Parent Information Session at Uraidla Primary School
School Hall November 2 at 6:30pm
We would like to invite all parents and carers to a Cyber Safety information session which will be held in the school Hall (OSHC room) on November 2. The session will be run by Cybersafe Families, a provider endorsed by the eSafety Commissioner, to share the latest research and best practice approaches to online safety education for families. The evening session will provide parents and carers with strategies to help make home environments cyber safe. All Cybersafe Families presentations are delivered by professionals in the field, who have an understanding that all children are at different stages in their online journey. Parents are encouraged to bring their device to the presentation, and will be guided through how to check the security settings.
You can find out more about cybersafe families on their website:
The parent information session will include:
The school will cover most of the cost of this presentation; we just ask for a contribution of $5 per ticket. A note will go home early next term with booking and payment details.
Materials and Services fees
Every year we are required to poll our community with regards to our Materials and Services fees. (See attachment below). Prior to this, we approve the recommended fees at a Governing Council meeting. Parents / caregivers are invited to attend the meeting where the proposed Materials and Services Fees will be discussed or they can express their views in writing to the chairperson rather than attending the meeting. This will be 7:00pm on Monday 25 October 2021.
COVID restrictions
Please be aware of the ongoing current COVID restrictions:
Pick up and drop off
- Please do not enter the school grounds, unless you have business that cannot be conducted by phone or email.
- Wear a mask at all times when picking up or dropping off students. Please note that students in Primary School do not need to wear masks.
- We will be asking students to leave the school grounds as soon as you are there to collect them, rather than playing in the playground after school.
- Please remain in your car until students are dismissed at the end of the day at the bell at 3:10, and maintain the required physical distancing from others when picking up your child.
If you do need to enter the school grounds, please check in with the displayed QR code, wear a mask and keep the required distance from others. If you need to speak to your child’s teacher, please make contact through the SeeSaw app and they will ring you back. Meetings about children’s learning will take place online or over the phone until further notice.
Activities that can continue for students:
- Instrumental music lessons
- Support services (OT, speech, etc)
- Maria’s Kitchen lunch orders
- Assemblies
Activities that are cancelled or on hold for now:
- Parent attendance at assemblies
As always, students and staff must stay home if they are unwell. Please err on the side of caution.
Students are being asked to fill up their drink bottles from taps in preference to drinking directly from the taps, so please make sure they have a labelled bottle every day.