Learning and Teaching


We are so excited to welcome back our students !! 


Junior Sport
Junior Sport


Teaching the Juniors tennis this week, both on Tuesday and Wednesday was a delight! The students had a great time and we are sure we might have some tennis pros in the making!!!



Spot the ball !
Senior Sport
Spot the ball !
Senior Sport

It was great to have our Seniors back today and we hope they enjoyed beginning their morning with House Competitions during sports time. In keeping with our school policy of Learning Space bubbles, each Learning Space went out for 35 minutes playing kickball in their House teams. We had two games being played at the same time with all four houses represented. The Houses that won their game then played each other and the other two house played against one another. We will now add up the results and we will have a House Ladder that we will share at Morning Gathering and in the next newsletter. We would also like to thank all the Senior staff for their support. Without their enthusiasm we would not be able to run these programs for our students.



We are currently finishing off the planning of our Bike Education Program for the Grade 5s this year. Parents will soon get notification via Operoo of the dates the program will run and when students will need to bring their bikes to school. We will also ask parents to complete a safety check of their child’s bicycle and return it to school to the Home Group teacher. This will also be provided via Operoo.



We are in the midst of organising a variety of sporting activities for both our seniors and juniors. Hopefully they will begin in Week 6 however all is dependent on covid restrictions and whether we are allowed to have visitors to the school. We will provide further details later this term via the newsletter and Operoo.


Giuliana & Lulli



Learning about Money in LS2 Juniors!



This week, Clinic 3 Maths have begun looking at Money! 



They have explored the different coins and notes and their features. 


Clinic 3’s were able to use the Bee Bots to build on their understanding of different ways they could make $5.00, $20.00, $1.00 and more. 


Here they are navigating the different ways to make an amount….




LS2 Junior Team

Chris, Elisabetta, Rebecca




3…..2…..1…… TAKE OFF!!! 

We were all so excited to get into school and start our learning! 


LS1 Juniors in Clinic 3 have been working on composing their own procedural writing piece. The children were eager to follow the instructions on “How to make paper airplanes”. They listened and followed instructions precisely. Clinic 3 children also wanted to see which paper plane flew the furthest, so we had a paper plane competition. 


We discussed why certain planes flew further than others and what we could do to help our planes fly as far as they could. The children were excited to fly back  into their learning this week. 


LS1 says

Shiv B
Shiv B

I was excited to come back and see my friends. It was great to see the teachers and learn with them. During writing, we have been learning to write instructions for making paper airplanes and test how far they go. When writing a procedure, it is important to write down simple steps and write it in a 

way the reader can understand.” - Shiv B 







I was excited to see everyone. This week I enjoyed writing because it’s fun and exciting. I learnt how to make a paper airplane and follow the instructions.” - Zach F 







I was so excited to come back to school in my new writing clinic and learn a new genre of writing” - Melia B










I love coming back to school and learning. In maths I have been learning to add numbers. I also love playing with all my friends again.” - Claudia A    








I am excited to come back to school because I enjoy face to face learning with my friends and teachers. I am also enjoying having a laugh with all my friends and teachers.”  -   Declan G 




LS1 Junior Team

Imasha, Rosie, Rita