Education in Faith

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time


In this week’s Gospel (Mark 10:46-52) we read that, while the Lord passes through the streets of Jericho, a blind man named Bartimaeus addresses him, crying out loudly: "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" This plea moves Christ's heart, who pauses, has him called and cures him. Notice how the blind man’s faith saves him.


The Gospel story narrates how Jesus cures Bartimaeus of his blindness and tells us about the call to follow Jesus. Bartimaeus is blind yet he calls out to Jesus, “Son of David.” This shows us that even though he is blind, he “sees” Jesus as the Messiah.

The blind Bartimaeus cried out to Jesus, acknowledging him as Son of David and Master. Jesus heard his cries and asked Bartimaeus, “What do you want me to do for you?” Bartimaeus wanted to see, and Jesus healed him.


Jesus stops and says to his disciples, “call him.” When Bartimaeus hears the call of Jesus he leaps toward him. He asks Jesus to heal him of his blindness. Jesus heals him and sends Bartimaeus on his way saying that his faith has healed him. Jesus allows him to see. With his sight, Bartimaeus is able to see Jesus for who he really is. After seeing Jesus, there is no turning back. The only choice for Bartimaeus is to follow Jesus.


We believe that through the sacrament of baptism, all God’s people share in the common priesthood. Every Christian is called to be holy and live as a child of God.

Just as the stars in the sky reflect light, baptized Christians are called to reflect God’s love. All God’s children are called to be shining stars. When we share the talents that God has given us, we bring God’s light and love into the world. The Holy Spirit helps everyone who is baptized to live as a follower of Christ.


 “Jesus, we believe in you.”


Discussion Starters

Why does the blind man call out to Jesus for help?

What does Jesus do?

How does the blind man respond to Jesus calling him?

Why does Jesus tell Bartimaeus that his faith saved him?

What does Bartimaeus do after he is cured?

Do you think that Jesus hears you when you call out to him?

When do you ask Jesus for help?

How does Jesus help you?

Something I’ve been praying for for a long time is . . .

Something I want Jesus to do for someone else is . . .

A time when faith saved me was when . . .


Let us pray.God our loving parent, you call us each by name.Help us to live as your children.In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Sacramental News 

Sacrament Levy

Please remember to pay your sacramental levy of $15.

If your child has received or will be receiving a Sacrament this year.


Sacrament of Confirmation

November, Friday 26th at St. Kevin’s Church at 5:30 pm


Confirmation Preparation


Please continue to join in everyday at 5:55 pm to prayer the Rosary and recite prayers as part of preparation for confirmation.


Use the link below to join in:

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 849 3295 7224


Please email me should you have any questions or concerns. 


God Bless

Rozeta Ambrose