Principal's Message


                    END OF TERM 4 - FRIDAY 21st December

                                Special Assembly – 12:45pm

                                   School Dismissal 1:30 pm


NB: Students can bring a larger snack/lunch on this day, the timetable will be modified with earlier eating times.


Last night was a significant milestone in our students' lives as we came together with families, friends, their teachers past and present and proudly acknowledged their achievements and experiences over the course of seven years.


It is a time filled with mixed emotions, sadness as they part ways with many of their close, long term childhood friends. This coupled with a sense of pride in a school that has nurtured and protected them through their early years and nostalgia as they look back over the countless happy, sad, proud and embarrassing memories of their journey through Ripponlea Primary. Not to mention excitement and nervousness as they anticipate the new opportunities, challenges and adventures that change brings. 


We are very proud of our students and the young adults they have grown into and thank  all the teachers who contributed to their education and development. In particular, we thank the Year 5/6 teachers Bronwyn Howell, Braden Leech and Rebecca Skinner  for the impact they have had on all the students in their last year of primary school. Last night we didn’t say goodbye to them, but openly welcomed them back, as Ripponlea will hold a special place in their hearts and minds.

Congratulations Year 6’s!


I would like to acknowledge the significant work of our student leaders in Year 6. They have contributed to making Ripponlea Primary School the best school that we can be, by being role models to others, leading a range of school initiatives and always promoting the school values. Thank you for the everlasting impact of your leadership across the school.

As we thank our 2018 student leadership team, we celebrate the incoming 2019 student leaders.


Over the last few weeks our Year 5 & Year 4 students have proven their commitment to pursuing leadership opportunities across the school. The volume and quality of the expressions of interest were astounding and we congratulate all students in their quest for a position. Given the increasing need to activate and amplify student voice at RPS, you will see below a change in structure with the inclusion of vice captains next year.


The process undertaken for electing students to positions of responsibility was rigorous and thoroughly democratic, taking into account the views and interests of all stakeholders. As a result, the votes reflected high levels of confidence in the candidates.  We wish to thank Miss Jo and Miss Zoe for leading these elections and stepping up to oversee the student leadership team next year. We would formally like to congratulate the following students: 


2019 School Captains:

Polly G & Finley B


2019 School Vice-Captains:

Abbie M & Tom P


2019 House Captains 

Archie A, Izzy A, Jemma F, Eve G, Phoebe K, Henry K, Tamia-Leah L, Max L, Hugo L & William R


The following Curriculum Days have been finalised for 2019. Students do not attend school on the following days. Camp Australia will be offering their services if the number of students increase. Please contact the service to confirm all arrangements.

Term 1 - Tuesday 29th January & Wednesday 30th January

Term 2 – Friday 10th May

Term 3 – Monday 15th July (First day of term)


Term 1 – 29th January to 5th April

(31st January – all students commence)

Term 2 – 23rd April to 28th June

Term 3 - 16th July to 20th September

Term 4 – 7th October to 20th December

(Please note Curriculum Days above)


29th January – 9:00am to 3:30pm (Uniform shop fittings available or order online via Eduthreads)

30th January – 9:00am to 3:30pm ((Uniform shop fittings available or order online via Eduthreads)


Congratulations to Ms Jess Grey who has been appointed as the substantive Assistant Principal. We are delighted that she continues in her current role in supporting all members of our community.


We farewell Mr Porteous, who has made a tremendous impact on our Foundation students and their families.  We wish him all the best for his future career in education. Likewise, Ms Leesa Warman has been a great source of support for our students and staff in the 1/2 learning spaces. We thank them for their contributions over the last six months.


Ms Jacqueline Barrow has been a terrific teacher to all of our year 3/4 students and a great support to the team. We wish her all the best in her new position in 2019.


Goodbye and best wishes to Ms Alexandra Beamont. We also wish Ms Elyssa Agnoletti all the very best in her  position as she experiences a new school setting in 2019. 


Joining the RPS staff team in 2019, we have Ms Claire Brooks from McKinnon Primary School, Ms Julie Nield from Ormond Primary School and Ms Luca Dickinson from Cornish College. Kate Ashforth will be returning next year. 




Starting the new school year, or making the transition from primary to secondary school, can be an overwhelming process for children. Fortunately, there are plenty of things parents can do to make these transitions as seamless as possible.

Such as:

  • Stay positive, empathetic and patient.
  • Visit the school with your child before the official start of the school year. Giving your child a preview of the school will go a long way in helping the child feel less anxious. Our school grounds are always open to the school community.
  • Re-establish routines as early as possible. By getting children adjusted to an earlier bedtime, you can minimize the possibility that they will become overtired or overwhelmed with the start of school.
  • Remind them how fun it will be to see their friends and refresh their memories with positive stories from the previous school year. If children are starting at a new school, tell them how exciting it will be to make new friends and remind them that all of their current friends started out as strangers once too.
  • Prepare your children for social situations that may be new, such as introducing themselves to new classmates. Teaching your children what to expect and how they can react helps ease anxiety during potentially stressful situations.
  • Set a positive example by reacting calmly when your child goes off to school, not lingering and simply expressing that they’ll be on your mind throughout the day. Stay positive and have faith that your child can adjust to the change of going back to school and thrive in the classroom.

By giving children the resources they need to feel comfortable at school from Day One, you are providing them with the tools to have a successful, enjoyable experience all year.


As we draw to the end of another school year, we look back and reflect on all the positive changes our school has experienced and celebrate it all…….....the growth of each and every student, the successes, the challenges, the learning, the relationships, the power of working together, the rich conversations, the questions, the decisions and so much more.


Teaching and parenting is a privilege and sacred trust and it is very clear that the closer we can work together the more fruitful the opportunities for each student within our school community. Family life, as we all know, is busy and at times very demanding; however we hope Ripponlea Primary School will continue to be a place where you can enjoy good support, quality relationships, and multiple opportunities that support your children to thrive and flourish.


On behalf of the whole school community we sincerely thank the RPS teaching staff – teachers and integration aides for the incredible job you do. You are a cohesive group of educators who have worked hard all year to achieve both our shared goals and your own personal and professional goals. Our students are indeed in very caring, devoted, capable and talented hands.


To our administration team – many, many thanks for the wonderful roles you play in our school. As Principal and Assistant Principal we could not ask to work with a more efficient, friendly, supportive, professional and hardworking team.


To our hard working Leadership Team, together we have certainly achieved a lot that we can be very proud of this year – much of it behind the scenes, but nonetheless so important to the richness, progress and culture of our school. We continue to highly value your wise counsel and dedication as we continue to move forward into the promise of an exciting educational landscape in the years ahead.


Thank you to all the many parents and members of our local community who have supported our school over the past year. All parents who regularly support our Ripper events. Parent helpers in classrooms and in the library. Parents who have helped out on excursions and sports days. Our class representatives and committees and our incredible volunteers in the uniform shop. 


It has been a real pleasure to work with the School Council this year and we sincerely thank them all for their time and considered input into a range of strategic directions that continue to benefit our whole community, in particular, our children.


To everyone who has supported the Ripponlea Primary School community in such a positive way this year, we thank you. We hope you all enjoy the festive season approaching us so quickly and take the opportunity to recharge those energy levels in readiness for the new year ahead.


                                 Merry Christmas, a safe and a Happy New Year to you all!

                                   Natalie Rose                                                             Jess Grey

                                       Principal                                                           Assistant Principal